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Last updated: May 17th, 2024

Student Charter

Student Charter

In order to provide all our children with the very best education we need the full support of all our parents and students. We ask that you to work in partnership with us. When we work as a team, we can truly work in the very best interests of your child. A positive partnership underpins a child’s success and we value the relationship we have with our parents and place a huge amount of importance upon it. Our partnership is richest when we nurture the growth of the individual, providing a setting where a child can learn, feel happy and secure and where the lines of communication between us are open. Growing up in today’s world is a challenge for our children. Our partnership will provide them with the boundaries, guidance and support that will enable them to flourish in a caring and safe environment.

The aim of our Student Charter is to demonstrate how we can be most effective in this relationship as the children journey through seven years of education at SJB. It outlines what you can expect from us and in return what we expect from parents and students.

All parents and students are expected to subscribe to this charter and sign to state that they will uphold it when they enter the school.

SJB Student Charter