Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education is an important part of our curriculum. We follow the statutory framework outlined by the DfE, ensuring that all content is covered at a stage that is age appropriate. Whilst there are elements woven into a large number of subject curricular, the statutory elements are delivered through PSHE, Science and RE.
Below you can find information on the key areas that are delivered in each year group – click on each year group. (Where there are ‘blank’ sections within the table, there is no specific foci on RSE content within that subject for that year group.)
Year 7
Year 7 Science & Biology
- Introduction to how bodies are designed, including talking about specialized cells such as egg and sperm cells
- Male and Female Reproductive Systems
- Puberty: Changes in male and female bodies
- Menstruation
- Fertilisation
- Pregnancy including miscarriage
Year 7 RE
Respectful relationships, including friendships:
- Catholic social teaching rooted in the dignity of every child being made in God’s image – every child is taught the importance of the worth of the individual.
Year 7 PSHE & RSE
Mental and Emotional Health
- Resilience
- Recognising emotions
- Understanding how and why I feel
- Bullying
- Cyberbullying
- Gaming addiction
- Social media safety
- Self esteem
- E-safety: Using your iPad safely
- Using the internet
- Staying safe in a digital world
- Consequences of internet use
- Sharing information online
- Online risks
- Understanding your digital footprint
Physical Health
- Personal hygiene
- Puberty: The menstrual cycle
- Living a healthy lifestyle
- Risks to health: Smoking, Alcohol, Drugs
- Careers
Economics and Finance
- Understanding money, Personal finance management
- Financial decision making
- Rights and responsibilities online, sharing content
- How we value each other
- Personal boundaries and appropriate relationships
- Respect, value and dignity
Year 8
Year 8 Science & Biology
Year 8 RE
Respectful relationships, including friendships:
- Catholic social teaching rooted in the dignity of every child being made in God’s image – every child is taught the importance of the worth of the individual.
- Conscience – Making right and wrong decisions
- Discipleship and living out the Gospel
Year 8 PSHE & RSE
Mental and Emotional health
- Feelings and how we manage them
- What impacts out emotional wellbeing
- Recognising the signs of emotional wellbeing
- Resilience
- Managing risky situations
- Physical Health
- Understanding vaccination and immunisation
- Planning healthy meals, disordered eating
- Factors that impact your health
- Dental health
- Sleep hygiene
- First aid and CPR, Protecting and preserving life
Economics, Finance and E-Safety
- Personal Financial management
- value for money and budgeting
- Online banking
- E-safety: Selfie safety
- Digital footprint
- Different types of relationships
- Personal boundaries
- Sex and the law, Pornography
- Committed relationships, Marriage
- Unhealthy relationships
- What causes problems in a community
- How we can challenge prejudice and discrimination
- The crime and protected characteristics
- Extremism and radicalisation
Year 9
Year 9 Science and Biology
Year 9 RE
Respectful relationships, including friendships:
- Catholic social teaching rooted in the dignity of every child being made in God’s image – every child is taught the importance of the worth of the individual.
- The sacrament and non-religious beliefs on Marriage (civil and sacramental)
Intimate and sexual relationships, including sexual health:
- The theology of the body. Sexual relationships – respect, self-control, risk and communication.
- Sexual relationships – Chastity V Pre-marital sex.
- Family planning (abortion)
Year 9 PSHE & RSE
Economics, Finance and E-Safety
- Your digital footprint
- Fake news
- Cyberbullying
- E-safety: The law
- Selfie safety
- Types of financial risk
- Investments and setting up a business
- Budgeting
- Online money risks: Gambling
- Online risks: Viewing explicit material
Mental and Emotional Health
- Understanding anxieties vs worries
- Coping with stress (Options choices)
- Impact of social media on mental health
- How to manage your mental health
- Strategies for maintaining mental health
- Body image and self esteem
- Happiness
- Social media and self esteem
- The liberties enjoyed by citizens of the UK
- UK Political system
- The justice system
- Citizens working together in society
- Protected characteristics
Relationships, Physical and Sexual health
- Contraception
- Substance misuse: Drugs, Alcohol, Vaping
- Sex and the law: Pornography
- Gender Identity, LGBTQ+
Year 10
Year 10 Science & Biology
- Biological basis for reproduction including a revision of the reproductive system and the menstrual cycle
- Contraception
- Natural family planning and abstinence
- Artificial methods of contraception including efficacy of different methods
- Hormonal control of the menstrual cycle
- Contraception including the natural and the artificial control of fertility
- In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF)
Year 10 RE
Respectful relationships, including friendships:
- Catholic social teaching rooted in the dignity of every child being made in God’s image – every child is taught the importance of the worth of the individual.
Year 10 PSHE & RSE
Economics, Finance and E-Safety
- Independent living: mortgages and renting
- Pensions and planning for the future
- Identity theft and fraud
- E-safety: Online gaming (Brecks last game)
- Online behaviour and personal responsibility
- E-safety: Selfies and image Sharing
- Healthy relationships
- Respect in relationships
- Relating to others
- Recognising abuse and Spiking
- Managing unwanted attention
- Parenting skills and family life
- sexual harassment, tackling rape culture
- County lines
Physical and Sexual Health
- Sexual relationships and Consent
- Pregnancy
- First aid: Organ and blood donation
Mental and Emotional Health
- Reframing negative thinking
- Healthy habits and looking after yourself
- Coping with loss and bereavement
- Rebuilding mental health and moving forwards
- Parliamentary democracy
- Freedom of speech and protest
- Democracy and Voting
- Equality and diversity
- Radicalisation
- Gender stereotypes
- Discrimination and the law
Year 11
Year 11 Science & Biology
- Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)
- Transmission of STIs
- Prevalence of STIs
- Treatments of STIs
- Bacteria/Viruses/Infections
- Treatment of disease
- Antibiotics
- Vaccination/Immunisation
- Stem Cell donation
- Healthy lifestyle and disease
- Transplant surgery
Year 11 RE
Respectful relationships, including friendships:
- Catholic social teaching rooted in the dignity of every child being made in God’s image – every child is taught the importance of the worth of the individual.
- Relationships and family life in the 21st Century (including legal status and the role of parents)
- Gender prejudice and discrimination
- The roles of men and women within the family.
Intimate and sexual relationships, including sexual health:
- Sexuality and sexual relationships. Christian and nor-Christian points of view.
- Family planning (Natural and artificial including abortion)
Year 11 PSHE & RSE
Mental health and wellbeing
- Science of the developing brain
- The science of sleep
- Stress management
- Healthy habits
- Coping with loss, grief and bereavement
- Positive communication and reconciliation
Physical and sexual health
- Sexual relationships and contraception
- Pornography, Revenge Porn
- Managing situations involving drugs and alcohol
- Knife crime
- Individual family & community values
- Diverse and conflicting values
- Gender identity, Transgender
- Understanding diversity
- Living in Britain, Hate crime
- Extremism
Year 12
Year 12 Science & Biology
Year 12 RE
Respectful relationships, including friendships:
- Catholic social teaching rooted in the dignity of every child being made in God’s image – every child is taught the importance of the worth of the individual.
Mental wellbeing:
- Samaritans and Kintsugihope Project
Intimate and sexual relationships, including sexual health
- Street Pastors presentation regarding alcohol safety
Year 12 PSHE & RSE
Mental and Emotional Health
- Own your time
- Prioritising
- Amazing brain
- Happiness
- Supporting someone struggling with mental health
- Neurodiversity and different brains
- Consent
- Contraception and STI’s
- Understanding rape culture and sexual harassment
- Relationship abuse
Physical and Sexual health
- Healthy habits
- Substance use
- Harm reduction
- First Aid
- Drugs and harm reduction
- UK budget, Government, Spending, Taxation
- UK budget, How might this impact me
- Skill shortages in the labour market
- Living independently, Mortgages and spending
- Investments and setting up a business
- Gender and society
- Work experience
- Honour and tradition
Year 13
Year 13 Science & Biology
Year 13 RE
Respectful relationships, including friendships:
- Catholic social teaching rooted in the dignity of every child being made in God’s image – every child is taught the importance of the worth of the individual.
Mental wellbeing:
- Samaritans and Kintsugihope Project
Intimate and sexual relationships, including sexual health:
- Street Pastors presentation regarding alcohol safety
- Sexual Ethics (A Level Religious Studies)
- Gender and society (A Level Religious Studies)
Year 13 PSHE & RSE
- Life beyond SJB; making choices
- Success at interview
- Writing your CV
- Talking about relationships
- Respectful relationships and communication
- Dating online, the risks and keeping safe
- Relationship abuse
- Explicit images
- Consent
- Unhealthy relationships
- Appropriate behaviours
- Budgeting
- Saving
- Tax’s and borrowing
- Pensions and the importance of planning for the future
- Student loans and the cost of university
- Being British
- Racism and why it matters
- Protected characteristics
- Getting political
- Crime and punishment