Metacognition is a set of behaviours which maximise the potential for and efficacy of learning. A metacognitive learner is one who has control over their cognitive skills and processes and understands how learning happens. They are able to apply this understanding to help them learn more effectively. This then aids their lifelong learning skills.
At SJB, we strive to promote metacognition in our classrooms by implementing the following strategies:
Plan, Monitor & Evaluate
Modelling & Metacognitive Talk
Challenge Zones
Exam Wrappers
Graphic Organisers
More information about metacognitive strategies can be found on our L&T Website –
Whilst metacognition is about monitoring and controlling our thought processes before, during and after a task, self-regulation, on the other hand, is about monitoring and controlling our emotions and behaviours before, during and after a task.
More information about self-regulation strategies can be found on our L&T Website –