Teachers of RE
- Mrs S Alder
- Ms A Antony
- Mr J Budzynski-Seymour (Curriculum Leader)
- Mr J Haselden
- Miss G Rejman
- Mr S Rowan
- Miss I Turner
Our Vision for RE
Students at SJB study RE to understand better who they are; to find their place in the world and receive the tools to strive to be the best version of themselves.
Key Stage 3
Year 7
In year 7 students will study the key foundational beliefs of the Catholic Church, focussing first on developing an understanding of core beliefs about the nature of God. From here the students learn about what it means to belong to the Catholic Church, the gift of the sacramental life and the liturgical year.
RE Yr7 Learning Pathways Grid
Year 8
In year 8, students will study the story of salvific history through the study of Biblical narrative. They will journey through the Old Testament and use this to then study the life and ministry of Jesus Christ.
RE Yr8 Learning Pathways Grid
Year 9
Year 9 begins with the Acts of the Apostles and quickly focusses on the spread of Christianity in the early Church. From here, students explore more abstract Gospel concepts of ‘stewardship, ‘Imago Dei’ and the historical roots and connections between Judaism and Christianity.
RE Yr9 Learning Pathways Grid
As a Catholic school we work hard to ensure that the teaching of RE is accessible to all and hope that all students and parents embrace the teaching of RE across the curriculum, however we are obliged to notify parents of their right to withdraw their child from all or part of the RE curriculum. If you would like to discuss this option then please contact your child’s Head of Year in the first instance.