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Last updated: January 26th, 2021



Dance is a FUN way to get your body moving, raise the heart rate and burn some calories.
It requires you to use lots of different parts of your body. Often your upper body and arms are moving in one direction, while your lower body and legs are doing something completely different. This can really test your coordination, whilst enhancing concentration, balance and flexibility too.

If you are beginner start by following the dance/aerobic/Zumba workouts. Once you can complete a 20 minute workout without stopping, try a longer workout, e.g. 30 minutes.
Aerobic Workout

If you are at intermediate level, try a TikTok workout, just dance or a hip hop Tabata style workout. These are move dance focused but also help to develop your cardiovascular endurance still.
Just Dance
Hip-Hop Tabata

If you need a challenge try learning one of the dance tutorials and perform to music.
Rain on me tutorial
Shaun Mendes tutorial

For the experts, you could make up your own routine using ideas from videos.