Last updated: May 17th, 2024



SJB Club

The SJB Club is the main way that our Parent Teacher Association (PTA) raise funds to help us improve our facilities and resources so that we can continue to provide the very best for all our children

Welcome guide SJB Club

About the PTA

A Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) is a formal organisation composed of parents, teachers and staff which is intended to facilitate parental participation in a school. Like many schools that have a PTA, St John the Baptist School (SJB) is no exception. Apart from supporting the school at various events throughout the academic year, one of our main functions is to help raise funds for the school. We raise these funds through the SJB Club, where parents give a monthly subscription to provide extra resources that enrich the learning experience for our children i.e. computer packages, cameras, smart boards, printers, scanners and maintenance of the school mini buses. At SJB this form of fundraising works really well and we never have to bake a cake or attend a jumble sale! Bliss…

The PTA committee, along with our Headteacher, Mr Granville Hamshar, meet once a term and one of the main agenda items is to determine how best to allocate funds that have been generated by The SJB Club.

We would like to give a special thank you to all those members of the SJB Club and the amazing PTA team who continually give their time freely to support the school. If you have any comments, questions or suggestions please feel free to contact us at any time through the school. At SJB the PTA warmly welcome new members, whether it is to help out when they can at PTA supported events, attend PTA meetings or to stand for one of the committee positions.