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Last updated: November 6th, 2023

11 into 12 Transition

11 into 12 Transition

Each subject has made available a suite of work to help prepare you for Year 12. There is a mixture of research you can do, activities to complete, videos to watch and wider reading.

We would strongly advise that all students access the work set by the 4/5 subjects that they are considering studying in Year 12 – we know you have been asked to select 3 to study but from experience we know that sometimes these change between now and September! The transition work has been set up on Showbie. Each subject has set up a specific Showbie class for Year 11 into 12 transition, the class codes have been emailed to all Year 11 parents and students and are also being made available to all external students.

If you need a reminder of all the subjects on offer please go to the Post-16 Curriculum page.

Sue Taylor ALPS Apprenticeships talk to parents

Post-16 Pathways – Alternatives to A Levels