Mornings 8.55-9.15am
Year Group/Key Stage | |
Mon | KS3 or KS4 or 5 on rotation |
Tue | Year 12 & 13 on rotation |
Wed | Year 10 & 11 on rotation |
Thur | Year 7 |
Fri | Year 8 & 9 on rotation |
We will be operating assemblies on a fortnightly rota so that each year group have one Key Stage assembly and one Year Group assembly per fortnight. All assemblies are in the main school hall.
There is a fortnightly theme linked to our values (Integrity, Service, Love, Aspire, Respect) which is used in the key stage assembly, year assemblies, form time prayer and Mass. Members of staff are invited to lead key stage assemblies once every two years. This is always a stimulating experience, and we have plenty of resources to supplement your own ideas if you wish to use them.
Staff are asked to sit with the students in the middle of the rows and not as ‘police’ on the end – this is not necessary at SJB and gives an impression of ‘us and them’, it’s also a little off-putting for the person leading the assembly!
Registers must be taken on Arbor during Form Time and every period of the day. It is imperative that we know where the students are at all times so that we can keep them safe. Please ensure that registers are taken promptly and accurately.
If a child is marked present earlier in the day and they are missing from your lesson, please send a student to the office to notify them.
If students are late to your lesson particularly after break and lunch please ensure that you make sure the register reflects this and that you give the student a negative comment for ‘late to lesson’ on Arbor. It can then be followed up as per our behaviour policy – missing just 5 minutes per day after both break and lunch equates to a whole week of learning missed in 1 school year!
The daily bulletin is posted on the staff notice board (outside Lee Evan’s office) by 8.30am. This includes the cover rota, any re-roomings and details of relevant sports fixtures which require students to leave lessons early. Cover lessons are also visible on via ‘Registers’ on Arbor so you can easily access the register and seating plan. Staff requiring cover must set that on Arbor as an assignment – you can watch a video on how to do this here.
All duties will be covered; if your absence is planned please arrange a swap with someone else and notify Lee Evans so that he can action it on Arbor (this helps to keep it fair as we do not have a pool of cover staff for break and lunch duties). If Lee isn’t informed of a swap or your absence is last minute then he will arrange for it to be covered.
Please do not put pieces of paper in everyone’s pigeonhole! We are trying hard to be paperless. Please do not send emails at the weekend or after 6.30pm and only send to those who need to know. Please do not send a whole staff email unless it has been approved by Lee Evans.
“the relief you feel from sending that one email late at night doesn’t outweigh the stress you may cause another by sending the email”
Also please avoid reply all and one-word emails. You can email all classes through MS Outlook as well as tutors, HOYS, SLT etc. as there are groups already set up. You can email individual parents or parents of your whole class through Arbor.
We have electronic gates on the main gate, you will need your staff ID card to open the gates. They are open in the mornings until 8.50am to allow the students to enter and then again at the end of the school day. The school is locked at 6pm each evening; please ensure you are off-site by then.
If you leave the premises during the school day please sign out/in at the school office on leaving and returning, this is in case of a fire emergency/practice.
Detailed instructions will be put in pigeonholes in September – please read them carefully and then put it up in your classroom/office. Contained in the booklet is a map of the school detailing the assembly point for each year group. Fire practices will happen for each year group in September, please familiarise yourself with the exit routes and where your tutor group should line up.
The SLT operates an ‘open door policy’. If you have any concerns or worries please say so immediately. If you have any suggestions or ideas, please say so. If you are feeling hard done by in any way at all you must come and talk about it. We are always looking for ways to improve the school and to support you – our primary job as a School Leadership Team is to serve every member of staff, so if there is something we can do better please let us know!
We have a ‘follow me’ printing system which means you can send, print and then collect it from any of the machines located in the school including those in the Reprographics Room which is located opposite the Hub. Please note that it is considerably cheaper per copy to print to the large multifunctional copiers located there and in the staff room than the small printers dotted around the school.
Our Reprographics Co-ordinator, Dawn Wheeler, carries out all colour copying and all large volume black and white. Dawn can also design, produce and give advice where needed. Please email your requirements to allowing at least 24 hours’ notice (large volume booklet printing will require more notice). If you do not have electronic originals please leave your work in Dawn’s in-tray together with a note. Printing via Dawn is cheaper for your department as she knows all the tricks so please use her where you can! If in doubt, please seek advice from Dawn on layout/printing BEFORE you start your project. Please note Dawn also works up in IT some of the time so she isn’t always at her desk in reprographics!
We have two multifunctional copiers (colour, booklets, folding, stapling) located in the Reprographics Room and one black and white copier in the Staff Room (no booklet or folding function but does staple). These are used by all staff requiring photocopying, printing or scanning where less than 35 copies are required. Please note than any document that consists of more than 4 pages is half the price to print as a booklet, rather than corner stapled. Please see Dawn for advice.
We are trying to reduce the amount printed work that we use so we now have a system in place where Dawn will scan sections of textbooks for you to use in class or send to students. Please see Dawn for the full details.
Please do not buy-in any printed materials without checking with Dawn first, as we may be able to produce it in-house much cheaper.
New members of staff will need to be issued a printing card, which can be obtained from the Network Team. Training can be arranged for new staff on photocopying, printing and using the follow me printing if needed.
Sixth form students get a certain amount of printing free each year, once they have used this they have to top up their print credit via Scopay.
All staff and students can send to print via email from their SJB email address by emailing directly to
All seating plans must be on Arbor within the first week of term. Once a seating plan is drawn up, you can easily take registers from it and view various student information about the student. Please use this to help target your questioning and other class-based activities.
There is a full staff briefing every Monday morning, or the first day after a holiday, at 8.15am promptly (the notes from this briefing are posted on the School Hub) and on every second Tuesday at 8.15am for an update from the Heads of Year. This is to brief staff on any students who need additional support.
Staff briefings are held in the Sixth Form LRC; please ensure you are there promptly so that we can start at 8.15am.