Students follow a programme of study that exceeds the National Curriculum with the majority of subjects studied leading to certification at Level 2 (GCSE/BTEC etc). We strive to balance excellent academic outcomes with a broad, knowledge rich curriculum.
All students follow courses in the following throughout Year 10 and 11: English, Mathematics, Science, Religious Education, Physical Education and PSHE/RSE. The vast majority of students also study either History or Geography and a Modern Foreign Language (Spanish, Italian or French), as well as two ‘Options’ from the subjects listed below. Around 90% of students achieve their EBacc.
A very small proportion of our cohort are invited to undertake our “Pathway 2 Offer” which enables them to focus on fewer examination subjects. This is very much a bespoke offer that changes annually to best meet the needs of the individuals and their learning needs. For example; where a GCSE in Geography or History is not appropriate, we offer a NCFE Level 2 qualification in Travel and Tourism; or where studying two academic ‘Options’ subjects is not appropriate we offer a bridge to the Duke of Edinburgh Award which provides a rich life skills curriculum; or where a student has significant literacy and/or numeracy needs their curriculum may include additional Maths and English; or where there is risk of a child not achieving GCSE pass in English Literature and/or Language we may enter them for Functional Skills English Level 1/2 in Year 10 and/or Year 11. The offer is always bespoke to the individual so as to ensure that we keep the curriculum as broad as possible for as long as possible whilst simultaneously meeting their needs and ensuring that every child flourishes and leaves SJB equipped for their next steps.
The ‘Options’ subjects available currently are as below:
GCSE qualifications
- Art
- Business Studies
- Computer Science
- Design and Technology with Resistant Materials
- Design and Technology with Graphics
- Drama
- Food Preparation & Nutrition
- Geography
- History
- Music
- Physical Education
BTEC qualifications
- Level 1/2 BTEC Creative Media Production
Please note options subjects are revised annually and are subject to change.
Click on the links below for detailed subject information:
- Art & Design
- Business Studies
- Computing
- Design and Technology
- Drama
- English
- Food Technology
- Geography
- History
- Maths
- Creative Media
- Modern Foreign Languages
- Music
- PE
- RE
- Science
If you have any questions or require further information about our curriculum, please contact the Curriculum Lead who will be happy to help, or our Deputy Head, Miss A.Dwyer (