Teachers of Music
- Mr L Ali
- Miss P Cantwell (Curriculum Leader)
- Mr M McKenna
Our Vision for Music
Students at SJB study music to develop a lifelong enjoyment and appreciation of music. We nurture the innate musical potential of all pupils by creating, performing and appraising music both in the classroom and through the diverse extra-curricular programme. This helps to develop students’ understanding and appreciation of different cultures.
Key Stage 4
Qualification: GCSE
Exam Board: Eduqas
Coursework: 60%
Exam: 40%
Exam Structure: 1 listening exam of 1 hour 15 minutes.
Link to specification:
Course Overview:
Component 1: Performing 30% (Coursework)
A portfolio of recordings with a minimum of two pieces, one of which much must be an ensemble performance of at least one minute duration. One of the pieces must like to an Area of Study.
Total duration: 4-6 minutes.
Component 2: Composing 30% (Coursework)
A portfolio of two compositions, one of which must be in response to a brief set by the exam board which will link to the Areas of Study and is released in the September of Year 11. The second composition is a free composition, which will be started in Year 10.
Component 3: Appraising 40%
A listening and written paper of 1 hour 15mins. This will test listening skills and understanding of the context of pieces of music, based on the Areas of Study.
- Musical Forms and Devices (set work: Bach – Badinerie)
- Music for Ensemble
- Film Music
- Popular Music (set work: Toto – Africa)