In addition to the Link Governors, there are two Sub-committees that meet periodically, these are:
Admissions Committee
- Steven Day
- Ruth Egan
- Damien Kelly (Asst Head)
- Claire Antal – Admissions Manager
Spiritual Life Committee
- Chris Newling-Ward
- Rev Paul Turner
- Jamie Haselden (Asst Head)
- Head Boy & Head Girl
The Local Governing Committee meets once per half term to discuss pertinent issues on a cyclical basis (dates below). In addition, the Governors are invited to participate in a development day once per year where they receive additional training as well as participate in workshops highlighting various aspects of school life.
Local Governing Committee Meetings 2024-25
- Wed 18 Sept 2024 at 4pm
- Wed 20 Nov 2024 at 4pm
- Wed 22 Jan 2025 at 8am
- Wed 19 Mar 2025 at 4pm
- Wed 7 May 2025 at 8am
- Wed 25 June 2025, Governors’ Day 8am to 1pm
The Local Governing Committee members each have different link roles and responsibilities. Information about who they are, their roles and their term of service can be found linked below with any declarations of any interest.
SJB LGC Membership and Declarations of Interest 2024-2025
St John the Baptist School is part The Xavier Catholic Education Trust.
The Xavier Catholic Education Trust was set up in 2016. Our mission is to provide an outstanding Catholic education for all the children in our schools. We will follow the example and teachings of Christ and everything we do will be inspired by gospel values. We will strive for excellence in all areas of our work and cherish every child in our care.
Details of the other schools in the trust are schools can be found here.
For more information please see their website:
If you would like to contact Xavier the central team can be reached at:
Guildford Road
KT16 9LU
Have faith… believe you can!
Our mission is to be a Catholic School where every individual is highly valued and where care and concern for others is central to our work. All our students are expected to achieve their full potential and become equipped for adult life. At SJB everything we do is guided by Gospel values.
The School Mission Statement, our motto and the Gospel Values guide us in everything we say and do at St John the Baptist School. The image below encapsulates the key elements of ‘who we are’, ‘what we can do’, and ‘what we learn’ here at SJB.

Who we are
These are the 5 core values that we seek to instil in our students. More details can be found on the images below.

What we can do
These are 7 learning behaviours that we actively seek to develop and reward in all our students – the Student SJB 7.
- Challenge yourself, don’t give up
- Positive attitude
- Curious & creative
- Think for yourself, be independent
- Participate fully
- Collaborate with others
- Try your best to improve

What we learn
This is the curriculum that we offer both in and out of the classroom – more details can be found here
St John the Baptist School is a member of Xavier Catholic Education Trust; as per the protocols and scheme of delegation there is a Local Governing Committee who are appointed to support school improvement and engage with the community.
The Governors act as ‘critical friends’ to the school working closely with the Headteacher and play a strategic role in the running of the school. This includes maintaining the ethos of St John the Baptist as a Catholic school under the direction of the Bishop, setting aims and objectives, adopting policies and setting targets.
This is achieved through regular meetings – the full Local Governing Committee meets once per half term. At these meetings Governors are expected to ask relevant and challenging questions thus ensuring the school leadership is effective and accountable. Link Governors meet periodically with relevant members of the School Leadership Team so that they can better understand, support and challenge the key aspects of school life.
Governors are also a visible presence in the school sitting on staff interview panels, attending school events, and supporting staff and students in their achievements and successes. They receive regular training to ensure that they understand their role and are able to support and challenge the School Leadership Team effectively.
The Governors are drawn from the local community and freely give their time and expertise in order to support the work of the school. There are several different categories of Governor:
- Foundation Governors are appointed by the Diocese;
- Parent Governors are appointed by self-nomination and parent vote where necessary;
- Staff Governors are appointed by self-nomination and staff vote where necessary;
- Co-opted Governors can also be appointed by the Local Governing Committee or the Trust Board where necessary.
We are blessed to have a committed and multi-talented Local Governing Committee with a wide variety of experience and expertise.
If you wish to contact or chair of governors Ruth Egan via email or send a letter marked for our attention to the school.
- Headteacher:
- Mr J Granville Hamshar
- Email:
- Tel:
- 01483 729 343
- Postal Address:
- Elmbridge Lane, Woking, Surrey, GU22 9AL
- URN: 143369
- DfE number: 936/5402
- UKPRN: 10057650
If you have any queries or would like a paper copy of any of the content on this website, then please contact Lucia Davis, Office Manager via the School Office (
St John the Baptist School is part of Xavier Catholic Education Trust. Their contact details are as follows: