White List

What is the ‘white list’?

We operate a white list for apps that are available on the SJB iPads. This means that only certain apps are available to download.  The apps that we make available we thoroughly research to ensure that they are safe; for example, we will not white list any social media or games apps. In addition, we filter and monitor what is accessed online via the iPad both in and out of school so as to protect your child from inappropriate content.

If you would like to be sent a copy of the websites that we block in school, please email helpdesk@sjb.surrey.sch.uk with your request and they will get back to you with further details.

iPads in the classroom

At SJB we work hard to utilise the technology available for learning, leveraging it to enable students to visualise abstract concepts, and deepen their understanding. The iPads provide our students with enhanced opportunities to personalise their learning, develop their creativity and communicate effectively with teachers and peers.

Since we launched our Apple iPad Scheme in September 2013, teachers have worked hard to improve their pedagogy and practice; working collaboratively to find ways of utilising the devices to enhance learning. Our Apple Teachers worked collaboratively to devise a wheel of core apps that are central to digital learning. You can see the current wheel of core apps below; all the apps are available and utilised by all students. The wheel is reviewed reviewed annually and evolves with the changing technological landscape and student profile.

We have also created our own Learning Tools app which is available on the iPad App Store. It’s full of tools that can be used for quick assessment for learning checks in lessons and is used daily in lessons by all our students.

Click here to find out how iPads are being used to support digital learning

Monitoring Solutions

There are a many different ways that parents can monitor their child’s internet usage both on their iPads and also on their other devices. We would strongly recommend that all parents actively engage in a conversation with their children around online safety and that as part of this they agree parameters for monitoring their usage at home.

Click here to find an overview of various monitoring solutions from Internet MattersClick here to find out more about the Apple Parental Controls

Below you can find a selection of other options that are available to you:

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Insurance Form

If your iPad is lost, broken or needs repairing, please follow the link below to complete the short form.

iPad check-in form

Insurance and Warranty

You only need to contact us when the problem relates to the iPad itself. If anything has happened with the case, stylus or charger then we would expect you to replace those items at your own expense. The exception being that if you believe the charger is not working properly then please bring the charger to the IT department and it will be dealt with in the same way as the iPad not working properly.

We have a process in place for dealing with any problem that arises with the iPad that was issued by the school as part of the SJB Apple iPad Scheme (this does not include those who have decided to bring their own devices into school).

This process covers:

  • iPad not working properly
  • iPad lost
  • iPad stolen
  • iPad damaged

To help make the process clear for each instance please see below:

What is the issue?
iPad or charger not working
iPad stolen or damaged
iPad lost
Charger lost
Who should I go to?
ICT Support Team
ICT Support Team
ICT Support Team (only to purchase replacement)
Apple Store (to purchase replacement)
What do I need to bring with me?
iPad and charger
Completed insurance form
Payment of £50 excess
iPad if damaged
Payment for replacement

If your iPad or charger is not working properly, then please return your iPad (including charger) to the ICT Support Team, explaining in as much detail as possible what you believe is the issue.

If your iPad is stolen you must report the theft to the police and get a crime reference number. The police will need the iPad serial number in order to register the theft. This can be obtained from the ICT Support Team via email (ipad@sjb.surrey.sch.uk). Once you have this information please complete the form below and return it to the ICT Support Team with payment for the excess, which is £50.

If your iPad is damaged you must complete the iPad check in form and return your iPad and the charger to IT Support. Where possible repairs will be made, if this is not possible and an insurance claim is necessary you will be contacted by a member of the team to request payment of the £50 excess.

If your iPad is lost then you are not covered. In this instance you will need to replace the iPad at your own expense. It may be possible to purchase a replacement through the school so please contact the ICT Support Team if this occurs (you will be charged the full cost of replacement). The payment and declaration form at the bottom can be used for payments for the replacement of lost iPads.

Your child’s iPad is insured against accidental damage and theft for the 2/3 years (depending on the year group your child is in). All claims must be reported to the ICT Support Team within 7 days so that the claim can be made on your behalf (including all completed paperwork and the excess payment).

The iPad Scheme

Our Vision…

  • To continually strive to provide all our students with the best possible access to learning.
  • To help all our students achieve their full potential.
  • To encourage independent learning and equip our students for adult life.
  • To offer all our students access to a variety of learning styles.

The Concept…

  • To ensure that your child has access to an Apple iPad to support their learning.
  • Students will use their iPad for research, homework and for communicating with their peers and teachers.

We Believe…

  • Learning does not stop as soon as you walk out of the school gate, it can take place anywhere at any time!
  • Everyone at SJB should be connected digitally to communicate, share and engage in learning (students, teachers and parents).
  • Every student and family should be included.

We believe that technology, if used correctly and at the right times, can have a profound effect on your child’s learning. Technology can be engaging, exciting and can open up new possibilities, which may have been difficult or even impossible to achieve in the past. The pace at which technology is moving is astonishing! New advances in technology mean that we are at the dawn of a new age, where students can collaborate, investigate and explore like never before. This is not to say that traditional teaching methods are not important. On the contrary, the teacher, environment and resources are all extremely important too. But, if we are to prepare our students for their future, we must act now by equipping them with the technology that will enable them to develop the skills that they will need.

What is the iPad Scheme?

The iPad Scheme provides all the children in Years 7 to 11 with an Apple iPad to use every day to support their learning. For further information about the scheme please see our Welcome Guide for New Parents. Where children join us mid-year or part way though their school journey, we work with parents to facilitate the scheme as necessary.