Our aim is simple – we want to be the best school in the country! By this we mean that all our students will receive a better education here than they would at any other establishment.
We want our students to:
- Deepen their relationship with God
- Love learning
- Achieve their academic potential
- Have a wide range of experiences both in and out of the classroom
- Grow into happy, confident, resilient and articulate young people
- Leave SJB equipped to lead fulfilling lives and make a positive contribution to society
And so a bit about us…
SJB is part of the Xavier Catholic Education Trust. We are a group of sixteen schools in the Diocese of Arundel and Brighton who have come together to work collaboratively for the benefit of all the children we serve. The Trust’s aim is to provide a caring and supportive environment within which all children receive the best possible education.
Achievement is at the forefront of everything we do at SJB and it would be fair to say it is “cool” to achieve. Our staff are vibrant, enthusiastic and passionate about ensuring our students get the very best deal.
At our last OFSTED inspection (June 2014) we were judged to be outstanding in every category. We are very proud of achieving this result and it is especially pleasing for the students and staffs hard work to be externally recognised in this way. Please do not think we know all the answers, we don’t. Our mission is to be the best school in England and we will continually look for ways to improve.
We are very committed to improving the whole school system. For many years we have been a Teaching School, Maths Hub and SCITT. This means we are able to offer our staff new opportunities in: training future teachers; developing Maths teaching across all phases and supporting local primary and secondary schools. We currently have a number of staff that work, in a variety of capacities, in other schools. We work hard to offer development to all stages of a teachers career; from initial teacher training to NPQH for prospective Headteachers.
We are very proud to have been recognised as “transforming” under the SSATs Framework for Exceptional Education in all twelve aspects of our practice including: culture of reflection; professional learning; variety of teaching; and leadership through moral purpose. We are the first school in the country to achieve this!
Every Day is Open Day at SJB and visitors are very welcome.
GCSE Results 2023-24
We are incredibly proud of all our students and would like to take this opportunity to congratulate them and to thank the parents for their unstinting support.
- 90% of all entries grade 4+
- 79% of all entries grade 5+
- 43% of all entries grade 7+
- 90% achieving 4+ in English and Maths
- 79% achieving 5+ in English and Maths
- 85% of students entered all 5 pillars of the EBacc (English, Maths, Science, Modern Foreign Language, Humanity)
- 62% of students achieved a 4+ in the EBacc
You can download a breakdown of subject results here GCSE Results 23-24
In September 2024, 99.6% of our cohort have gone on to study post 16 qualifications.
GCSE Results 2022-23
- Progress 8 +0.87
- Attainment 8 59.9
- 89% of all entries grade 4+
- 78% of all entries grade 5+
- 40% of all entries grade 7+
- 87% achieving 4+ in English and Maths
- 75% achieving 5+ in English and Maths
- 84% of students entered all 5 pillars of the EBacc (English, Maths, Science, Modern Foreign Language, Humanity)
- 61% of students achieved a 4+ in the EBacc
Post-16 Results can be found here
Please click here to access the DfE School Performance Tables
Facilities Available to Hire
St John the Baptist School
Elmbridge Lane
GU22 9AL
Contact information
At SJB we offer various sports, drama, meeting rooms and class rooms for hire.
For further information contact:
Contracts and Facilities Manager Anna del Vecchio
lettings@sjb.surrey.sch.uk or a.delvecchio@sjb.surrey.sch.uk
Opening hours †
Term time only:
Monday – Friday: 17:00 – 21.30
Saturday and Sunday: 08:30 – 17:00
School holidays
Monday – Friday: 08:00 – 21.30
Saturday and Sunday: 08:30 – 17:00
Facilities and rates
| Per Hour (Mon-Fri)
Bookings possible between 5.30pm-9.30pm | Half Day (Sat-Sun)
8.30am-12.30pm or 1.00pm-5.00pm | Full Day (Sat-Sun)
8.30am-5pm |
Sports Hall (whole) | 65 | 180 | 360 |
Sports Hall (half) | 35 | 95 | 190 |
Dance Studio (mirrored) | 30 | 75 | 125 |
Fitness Suite* | 30 | 90 | 150 |
Grass Football Pitches (9 or 11 a side inclusive of goals) | 50 | 150 | 300 |
Grass Rugby Pitches | 50 | 120 | 200 |
All Weather Outdoor Netball Court x 1
(up to 4 available) | 20 | 60 | 100 |
All Weather Outdoor Tennis Court x 1
(up to 4 available) | 20 | 60 | 100 |
Athletics Track (grass) | 50 | 150 | 300 |
Cricket Nets (indoor) | 50 | 200 | 300 |
Badminton (indoor) x 1 court (up to 6 available) | 20 | 60 | 100 |
Futsal (1 available) | 40 | 100 | 175 |
Handball (1 available) | 40 | 100 | 175 |
Volleyball (1 available) | 40 | 100 | 175 |
Further information
† Availability if not required for school purposes*To comply with VAT regulations the fitness suite can only be booked out for a minimum of 1 hour per week for 10 weeks.
** Changing facilities including showers are available at an additional £25 per session per changing room, should they be required. This is to cover the extra cleaning required. You will be able to indicate on the booking form whether this is required.
Please Note: Apart from where the Whole Sports Hall or Cricket Nets are booked, other facilities/courts may be in use by other parties.
- Terms and conditions of hire can be found during the relevant document on our website.
- As we are an Academy all services provided are not subject to VAT.
- Please enquire directly to check availability. Term dates are available on the school website.
- Some discounts are available for regular block bookings, please enquire directly.
- For weekend bookings an additional caretaking fee will apply.
Lettings Policy Nov 2024