Exam Results

Examination Results 2023-24

GCSE and A Level results are available on the following dates:

A Level – Thursday 15 August 2024

GCSE – Thursday 22 August 2024

We will write to all Year 11 and 13 students in July to let them know when/how they can collect their examination results.

Post Results

Once results have been issued to students there is a brief window in which they can request a review of results. If you have just received your GCSE or A Level results and you would like to request a review of one or more of your examination results then please complete the form linked below; it can also be accessed by scanning the QR code.

Review of Results Consent Form


We are incredibly proud of all our students and would like to take this opportunity to congratulate them and to thank the parents for their unstinting support.

GCSE Results 2022-23

  • Progress 8 +0.87
  • Attainment 8 59.9
  • 89% of all entries grade 4+
  • 78% of all entries grade 5+
  • 40% of all entries grade 7+
  • 87% achieving 4+ in English and Maths
  • 75% achieving 5+ in English and Maths


  • 84% of students entered all 5 pillars of the EBacc (English, Maths, Science, Modern Foreign Language, Humanity)
  • 61% of students achieved a 4+ in the EBacc

You can download a breakdown of subject results here GCSE Results 2022-23

Post-16 Results can be found here

Please click here to access the DfE School Performance Tables


Facilities Available to Hire


St John the Baptist School
Elmbridge Lane
GU22 9AL

Contact information

At SJB we offer various sports, drama, meeting rooms and class rooms for hire.

For further information contact:
Contracts and Facilities Manager Anna del Vecchio
lettings@sjb.surrey.sch.uk or a.delvecchio@sjb.surrey.sch.uk

Opening hours †

Term time only:
Monday – Friday: 17:00 – 21.30
Saturday and Sunday: 08:30 – 17:00

School holidays
Monday – Friday: 08:00 – 21.30
Saturday and Sunday: 08:30 – 17:00

Facilities and rates

Further information