Careers Education & Guidance

We want our students to fully understand the huge range of possibilities out there and make the most of their talents. We aim to help develop students’ knowledge, understanding, confidence, and skills so that they can make well-informed choices and plans.

We are committed to providing a well-structured Careers Education and Guidance Programme for all students in Year 7 to 13. We strive to ensure students experience a full, varied and interesting careers journey, having the opportunity to explore their own interests, skills, and passions; understanding the wealth of jobs and education available to them once they leave school. It is integrated into our students’ experience across the whole curriculum and is based on a partnership between students and their parents.

We have a rich partnership with local businesses, colleges and universities along with a strong alumni and wider school community to support our Careers Education.

Our Careers Advisor Mrs. Shenaz Drury ( works on a one-to-one basis with our students. She works alongside SJB Careers staff to deliver a comprehensive programme of impartial support and guidance to all the students.

Our programme is a valued area of the curriculum and is underpinned by our Careers Policy (October 2023) and the eight Gatsby benchmarks identifying the elements of good practice in career guidance. We regularly review our provision and are continually striving to improve what we offer our students.

Career News

Please find below information on our upcoming events and latest newsletters:

Information to be added shortly


Welcome to our Careers section.

Our Head of Careers is Mr. Richard Czepukojc and he can be contacted as follows:


Telephone: 01483 729 343.

Our Provider Access Policy Statement (PAL) can be viewed here:
Careers Provider Access Policy Statement (PAL) – May 2024.

Please use the navigation on the left-hand side to access further careers information.

For further information about our careers provision please see our Careers Policy (October 2023).

We will review this careers plan on an annual basis.

Careers Plan Review Date: 1st November 2024.