National Extended Certificate Sport

Teachers of PE

  • Miss R Jeppeson (Curriculum Leader)
  • Mr C Black
  • Mr D Newman
  • Mr E Green
  • Miss H Peterkin
  • Mr J Hacker
  • Miss L Hockin
  • Mrs M Shaw
  • Mr T Birch

Reasons to Study BTEC PE

Studying BTEC PE develops your understanding of a subject that many students are often passionate about. It allows you to explore the relationship between elite performance, physiology, psychology and biomechanics as well as media and business. You will also be able to apply much of what you have learned to human health and wellbeing. The course is a mixture of both coursework and exams that are taken throughout the 2 years.

Our Vision for PE

Students at SJB study PE to guide & inspire them to maintain optimum health & fitness for the rest of their lives. They will develop physical literacy & experience positive feelings around physical activity, building confidence in their bodies. PE develops a range of life skills including leadership, teamwork & a resilience to physical & mental challenges. For many students, physical education will be a source of great passion & can foster a curiosity in the limits of human health & performance.

Career Paths

  • Sports Coaching
  • Sports Nutrition
  • Sports Therapy
  • PE teaching
  • Leisure Industry
  • Sports Development
  • Police Force
  • Armed Forces
  • Personal Training

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Outline of Course

BTEC Pearson Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Business

Teachers of Business & Economics

  • Mrs B Donovan
  • Mr D Hodges
  • Mr D Kelly
  • Mrs H Phillips (Curriculum Leader)

Reasons to Study BTEC Business

This is a great course if you want to start your own business, or work for another business as an employee. Most of our students go on to University or apprenticeships, and the style of study really benefits students who are nervous in exams, or who are highly organised and like to work at their own pace.

Our Vision for Business & Economics

Students at SJB study Business and Economics to improve their commercial awareness, enhance their strategic thinking and develop a greater understanding of the global business environment and how to influence it.

Career Paths

  • Marketing

  • Human Resource Management

  • Customer service representative

  • Hospitality

  • Retail Management

  • Travel and Tourism

  • Banking

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Outline of Course

AAQ Level 3 Human Biology

Teachers of Science

  • Miss L Cook (Curriculum Leader)
  • Miss K Atherton
  • Mr J Jiagge-Takyi
  • Miss M Townend
  • Mrs C Jukes (i/c AAQ Human Biology)
  • Mrs V Barclay
  • Miss S Clark

Course Overview

Human Biology is a captivating subject that explores the complexities of the human body, from cellular mechanisms to entire physiological systems. This course provides insights into anatomy, physiology, health, disease, genetics, and biotechnology, making it ideal for students eager to understand the science behind human life.

Reasons to Study BTEC Applied Science:
This is the course for you if you want to study Human Biology in depth and learn more about the world of physiology and medicine. If you like a mixture of practical scientific experiments and self-paced written work then AAQ Human Biology would suit you.

Why Study Human Biology?

  • In-Depth Understanding: Delve into the structure and function of the human body, learning how various systems interact and maintain health
  • Career Foundations: Build a solid foundation for careers in healthcare, medical research, biotechnology, and related fields.
  • Skill Development: Enhance analytical, research, and practical laboratory skills essential for higher education and professional success.

Who Should Choose Human Biology?

  • Students with a keen interest in the human body and its functions.
  • Individuals aiming for careers in medicine, healthcare, biomedical research, or related fields.
  • Learners who enjoy a mix of theoretical study and hands-on practical work.
Our Vision for Science:
Students at SJB study science as it helps our understanding of the world around us. Everything we know about the universe, from how trees reproduce to what an atom is made up of, is the result of scientific research and experiment. Human progress throughout history has largely rested on advances in science. From our knowledge of gravity to cutting-edge medicines, students of Science have shaped our modern world. All of these advances can trace their origin back to individuals learning about science as students. That’s why it is in all our interests to promote Science as a subject at SJB; it ensures the next wave of progress in all of the fields that affect our daily lives.
Career Paths:

Completing the Human Biology AAQ can lead to further studies and careers in:

  • Medicine and Surgery
  • Nursing and Midwifery
  • Physiotherapy
  • Biomedical Sciences
  • Nutrition and Dietetics
  • Biotechnology
Course Structure and Assessment:

Qualification: AAQ in Human Biology (Extended Certificate H149)

Exam Board: OCR

Coursework: 60% Non examined units (coursework)

Practical assignments and research projects are an integral part of the course.

Students undertake real-world investigations that allow them to apply their knowledge in laboratory settings, demonstrating research and analytical skills.

Exam: 40% (2 unit exams)

F170 – Fundamentals of Human Biology

F171 – Health and Disease

These assess theoretical knowledge and understanding of human biology concepts.
Students are tested on modules covering topics like the structure and function of cells, the respiratory and circulatory systems, and biotechnological advancements.
This blend of exams and coursework ensures students are well-rounded in both theoretical knowledge and practical competencies.

Link to specification:

Course Overview:
F170: Fundamentals of human biology (exam)
In this unit you will learn about the key topics that are important in human biology. Topics include:
  • Human cells and tissues
  • Human physiology
  • Key organs and systems concepts in endocrinology, neurobiology and reproduction
  • Basics of microbiology
F171: Health and disease (exam)
In this unit you will learn about the intriguing and challenging nature of diseases and disorders. Topics include:
  • Causes and effects of diseases and disorders
  • Curative management and preventative therapies
  • The role of immunology
  • Techniques for diagnosis and monitoring
  • Reporting, research and confidentiality
F172: Genetics (non examined assignment)
In this unit you will learn about DNA, cell division and inheritance. Topics include:
  • Fundamentals of genetics
  • Mode of inheritance
  • Genetic counselling and genetic testing
  • Gene therapy and genetic engineering
F173: Biomedical techniques (non examined assignment)
In this unit you will plan and carry out an investigation using a variety of laboratory techniques. Topics include:
  • What biomedical science is
  • Diagnostic techniques: cells and microscopy
  • Diagnostic techniques: biological molecules
  • Planning a clinical investigation
  • Report writing
And then two further non examined assignment from the following: 
  • F174: Nutrition and metabolism
  • F175: Human reproduction
  • F176: The brain
  • F177: Drug development

This qualification further develops independence and confidence in communication, research, presentation, and study skills, transferable to both higher education and the workplace.

Travel & Tourism

Teachers of Travel & Tourism

  • Dr T Bellis (Curriculum Leader)
  • Ms B Mombo
  • Mrs L Kenny

Reasons to Study BTEC Travel & Tourism

BTEC Travel and Tourism is a great course for you if you have a passion for exploring different places and are interested in a future career in the travel and tourism industry whether that might be working for an airline, working as an adventure tour guide or as a sustainable tourism officer for example. The course is 68% exam and 32% coursework so this can be an advantage to students who benefit from ongoing assessment. We study at depth the UK and global travel and tourism industry, visitor attractions, the principles of marketing and trends in travel. You will learn oral presentation skills and will practice how to research and write reports and articles that form your coursework. This subject complements Business Studies and Geography with many of the concepts learnt in these subjects being developed further in BTEC Travel and Tourism.

Our Vision for Travel & Tourism

Students at SJB study Travel and Tourism in order to gain an in-depth understanding of the nature, scale and factors affecting this globally important industry. Students learn how to find, produce, analyse, present and evaluate a range of primary and secondary data sources to develop their critical analysis of this industry and how it can best move towards a more sustainable future. Students also develop a range of transferable soft skills including team work and verbal presentation skills that are vital tools increasing employability.

Career Paths

  • Travel Agent
  • Airline Staff
  • Journalist
  • Marketing
  • Customer Service Representative
  • Tour Guide
  • Tourism Management
  • Tourism Development
  • Event Management
  • Travel Writer
  • Resort Management
  • Conservation Manager
  • Ecotourism Officer
  • Sustainable Tourism Officer
  • Digital Marketing
  • Travel Consultant
  • Transport Logistics
  • Market researcher
  • Conference Co-ordinator
  • Business Travel Co-ordinator
  • Brand Manager
  • Hospitality Manager

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Outline of Course


Teachers of Sociology

  • Mrs R Davis
  • Mrs K Green
  • Mrs L Skeldon

Reasons to Study Sociology

In Sociology, students critically analyse theories and research on the structure of society and the impact this has on human behaviour.  You will develop skills that are applicable to a variety of university courses, such as critical and analytical thinking, written fluency, social awareness, information gathering and interpretation.  Explore what Feminists, Marxists and other Sociological perspectives think about identity, culture, media influence, inequality, crime and globalisation.  If you enjoy discussions, formulating arguments and are good at written skill then this could be the course for you!

Our Vision for Sociology

Students at SJB study Sociology to develop an inquisitive mind and a critical approach to understanding the world around them. They appreciate and celebrate diversity, leading to a feeling of security in their own identity. Our students assess society as it is and explore how they can be a force for change.

Career paths

  • Criminal justice e.g. Probation & Parole; Police & Corrections
  • International/cross cultural e.g. International Relations/Foreign Affairs; International Business
  • Sociological practice/ human service e.g. Vocational Counselling; Rehabilitation; Recreation; Health Services
  • Business/industry e.g. Management; Accounting; Finance & Investment; Personnel; Marketing
  • Social action/social change e.g. Community Organization; Religious Work; Political Advocacy

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Outline of Course


Teachers of Psychology

  • Mrs H Fedorniak (Curriculum Leader)
  • Mrs R Davis
  • Mrs L Skeldon
  • Miss I Turner

Reasons to Study Psychology

Psychology is a great subject to take if you are interested in understanding why people do what they do. Often referred to as the ‘Science of Mind and Behaviour’, you will weigh up the role of biological, psychological, and environmental factors in areas including human development, mental health and offending. Psychology complements many subjects and, having developed a range of highly transferable skills (eg essay and scientific report writing, evaluation, research methods and statistical analysis), you will have an excellent range of further study and career options open to you.

Our Vision for Psychology

Students study psychology to become well informed and empathetic individuals who accept peoples behavioural and biological similarities and differences.

They will understand how psychological knowledge and research can be used to benefit an ever-changing society.

Career Paths

There are many routes for those who have a psychology qualification. The majority of students use their A-Level to gain access to degree courses in psychology and other subjects. Some students decide to leave education after A-Levels and psychology can be useful in many jobs including anything with customer service, the caring professions, management etc. For those students who decide to pursue a career in psychology, further study must be done after A-Levels. Some examples of careers in psychology are criminology, occupational psychology, sport psychology, clinical psychology or counselling psychology.

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D&T: Product Design

Teachers of D&T: Product Design

  • Mr C Mander
  • Mrs L Ray (Curriculum Leader)

Reasons to Study D&T: Product Design

Design and Technology: Product Design provides you with a range of opportunities to demonstrate your passion for design as well as allowing your creative and making abilities to flourish. Students will gain a range of skills such as project management, independence, decision making, creativity and problem solving which will suit a wide range of careers.

Our Vision for D&T: Product Design

Students at SJB study Design and Technology: Product Design to become individuals who are equipped with the skills, understanding and responsibility for shaping the world for future generations. Curiosity, creativity, adaptability, independence, and problem solving underpin everything we do.

Career Paths

This A level provides a broad qualification for a wide variety of careers. Some obvious ones include:

  • Product Design
  • Manufacturing
  • Engineering: civil, mechanical, applied, aeronautical, electronics
  • Environment: architecture, interior design, landscape design
  • Graphic Design: packaging, publication
  • Marketing and Advertising
  • Material science
  • Media

There are many past students who have successfully gained A*-B in D&T in recent years and gone on to do apprenticeships with TFL and Rolls Royce or degrees in the following:

  • Medicine, Languages
  • Business Studies. Foundation courses
  • Product/Industrial Design

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Key Stage 5


Teachers of Politics

  • Mr C Thomas
  • Mr L Petrie

Reasons to Study Politics

Politics provides you with a wide array of skills that are highly valued by universities and employers alike such as critical thinking and the ability to communicate an argument effectively both verbally and through your written work. It also provides you with a greater understanding of the world around you which is invaluable as you enter the wider world and start to vote. If you are interested in current affairs, or just want to better understand the choices made by our governments today, then this is the A-Level for you!

Career Paths

  • Civil Service
  • Public relations
  • Business development manager
  • Diplomat
  • Charity
  • Journalist
  • Market researcher
  • Stockbroker

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Outline of Course


Teachers of Physics

  • Miss H Dare
  • Mr M Woodhams
  • Mr S Young
  • Mr D Riding

Reasons to Study Physics

Studying Physics takes you right across the Universe – from the smallest fundamental particles right up to the formation of the stars and galaxies! During the course you have the opportunity to delve deeper into the how and whys of the Universe, exploring them using observations, practical experiments, mathematical analysis, and discussions. Physics is vital for going on to study a range of subjects, such as Engineering, Physics, even Architecture, but the key skills learnt during a Physics A-Level can be applied to almost any degree or career in the future.

Our Vision for Physics

Students at SJB study Physics as it helps our understanding of the world around us. Everything we know about the universe, from how trees reproduce to what an atom is made up of, is the result of scientific research and experiment. Human progress throughout history has largely rested on advances in science. From our knowledge of gravity to cutting-edge medicines, students of Science have shaped our modern world. All of these advances can trace their origin back to individuals learning about science as students. That’s why it is in all our interests to promote Science as a subject at SJB; it ensures the next wave of progress in all of the fields that affect our daily lives.

Career Paths

Physics opens the doors to a huge range of degree courses and career paths including:

  • Accountancy
  • Banking
  • Biotechnology
  • Civil Service
  • Computing
  • Electronics
  • Engineering
  • Environmental Research
  • Industrial Physicist
  • Industrial Research
  • Law (Patent and General)
  • Management Consultancy
  • Medical Physics
  • Physics Teaching
  • Science Journalism

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Outline of Course


Teachers of PE

  • Miss R Jeppeson (Curriculum Leader)
  • Mr C Black
  • Mr D Newman
  • Mr E Green
  • Miss H Peterkin
  • Mr J Hacker
  • Miss L Hockin
  • Mrs M Shaw
  • Mr T Birch

Reasons to Study PE

Studying A-Level PE your understanding of a subject that many students are often passionate about. It allows you to explore the relationship between elite performance, physiology, psychology and biomechanics as well as media and business. You will also be able to apply much of what you have learned to human health and wellbeing. Studying A-Level PE is great fun and will prepare you for a wide range of University courses or career pathways.

Our Vision for PE

Students at SJB study PE to guide & inspire them to maintain optimum health & fitness for the rest of their lives. They will develop physical literacy & experience positive feelings around physical activity, building confidence in their bodies. PE develops a range of life skills including leadership, teamwork & a resilience to physical & mental challenges. For many students, physical education will be a source of great passion & can foster a curiosity in the limits of human health & performance.

Career paths

  • Sports Coaching
  • Sports Scientist
  • Sports Nutritionalist
  • Sports Therapist
  • PE Teaching
  • Physiotherapist
  • Leisure Industry
  • Sports Development
  • Sports Psychologist
  • Armed Forces
  • Personal Trainer

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