
We offer an enrichment curriculum for our students, which is undertaken every Wednesday afternoon. This varies year upon year.

Our programme this year includes:

  • Sports Academies with professional coaching (Netball, Basketball, Football, Rugby)
  • Extended Project Qualification
  • Volunteering at a local primary school
  • Volunteering at a local community centre
  • Big Issues – engaging with and debating current affairs
  • School Magazine
  • Art project (decorating steel drums)
  • Gym
  • Multi-sports
  • Young Enterprise

Our opportunities relating to music are as follows:

  • SATB Choir
  • Orchestra
  • Rock band
  • Music Tech Club
  • Solo recital opportunities
  • Chamber group opportunities
  • Music trips to West End shows and orchestras
  • Music Tour biennially
  • School production, most recently Grease and Little Shop of Horrors

Leadership Opportunities

There are a wide variety of leadership opportunities for our students to get involved in. You can find out more information about what goes on across the whole school here. Below are just a few examples of how students can get involved:

  • Sixth Form Committee, including the roles of Head Boy/Girl, Deputies, Social Reps
  • Mentoring programme (where Sixth Formers buddy up with students in younger years to offer mentoring, whether that be support within a particular academic subject or more general social/confidence support).
  • Wider School Leadership (where Sixth Formers head up various teams of student leaders from younger years. School Teams to be led include: Charities, Environment, Teaching & Learning, Spiritual Life, House Captains, Wellbeing, Digital Leaders.
  • Sports Leaders (where Sixth Formers can lead sports clubs for younger years or assist/take charge of coaching for younger years).

Exam Results

Examination Results 2023-24

GCSE and A Level results are available on the following dates:

A Level – Thursday 15 August 2024

GCSE – Thursday 22 August 2024

We will write to all Year 11 and 13 students in July to let them know when/how they can collect their examination results.

Post Results

Once results have been issued to students there is a brief window in which they can request a review of results. If you have just received your GCSE or A Level results and you would like to request a review of one or more of your examination results then please complete the form linked below; it can also be accessed by scanning the QR code.

Review of Results Consent Form

SJB A Level Headline Figures 2022-23

  • 36% A* to A
  • 69% A* to B
  • 88% A* to C
  • 96% A* to D
  • 99% A* to E


  • 38% Distinction*
  • 93% Distinction* or Distinction
  • 100% Distinction*, Distinction or Merit

Percentage of all A Level exam grades:

  • 11% were at an A* grade
  • 25% A grade
  • 33% at a B grade
  • 19% C grade

Percentage of all BTEC exam grades:

  • 38% were a Distinction*
  • 55% Distinction
  • 7% Merit

98% of our students achieved 3 or more A Levels or equivalent Level 3 qualifications

Average points score equivalent to ABB

Sixth Form Results 2022-23

External Applicants

Should you wish to submit a late application you can do so via the link below, remembering to also email a copy of your passport to the Sixth Form Admissions Manager, Mrs Risman. Your late application will then be processed according to the applications process as detailed below. However please note that, as outlined on page 5 of our Admissions Policy 2022-23, offers can only be made to suitable late applicants if there are still places available once all in-date applications have been processed.

Applications for 2023/24 will open on 7 October 2022.

September 2022 Entry Late Application

Click here to access the admissions policy 2022-23


You are unique, so are we!

Life as a Sixth Form student at SJB is exciting, challenging and enjoyable. Every student succeeds and leaves us with excellent qualifications and experiences which will last a life-time. In the summer of 2023, 37% of students achieved A*-A, 70% of students achieved A*-B and 89% of students achieved A*-C in A Level exams. Furthermore, 93% of students achieved Distinction* or Distinction and 100% of students got a Merit or above in BTECs.

But, whilst we pride ourselves on achieving outstanding results we also believe in developing outstanding individuals. Students also succeed in many other areas of school life, playing an active part in the school house system, performing on stage, taking part in sports events, voluntary service, retreats, foreign exchanges and trips, Wednesday afternoon enrichment activities and the annual pilgrimage to Lourdes. The Sixth Form has its own unique identity but remains an integral part of the SJB community.

We are delighted to invite you to our 6th Form Open Evening which takes place on Thursday 24th October 2024 at 6pm. During the evening you will be able to visit the different subject departments to find out all about the fantastic courses we offer, how they are structured, the extracurricular opportunities they may offer and also the support we provide. You will also have a chance to hear from the Head of Sixth Form about Sixth Form Life and to meet with members of the Sixth Form Team to ask questions about next steps, careers and anything else that you may have in mind. Our aim is that from this first experience of life at SJB Sixth Form you will feel supported, enthused and leave with all your questions answered. There is no need to book a place at our Open Evening, all prospective students and their parents are welcome. We look forward to meeting you as you take this first step into Sixth Form life.

For prospective students from other schools there will also be the opportunity to see SJB in action, with tours being offered during the school day throughout the autumn and spring terms. These tours will be led by current 6th Form students and will run on Tuesday mornings after the autumn half term break. To book your place please email our Sixth Form Manager Mrs Risman (n.risman@sjb.surrey.sch.uk) in the autumn term.

We look forward to welcoming both current and external students for September 2024 entry at our Open Evening.

Simon Petri
Head of Sixth Form

Apply nowClick here to access the admissions page