The other schools in the trust are schools are:
- Holy Family Catholic Primary School
- St Hugh of Lincoln Catholic Primary School
- St Augustine Catholic Primary School
- St Charles Borromeo Catholic Primary School
- St Alban’s Catholic Primary School
- St Anne’s Catholic Primary School
- Cardinal Newman Catholic Primary School
- Salesian Catholic Secondary School
- The Marist Catholic Primary School
- St Cuthbert Mayne Catholic Primary School
- St Polycarp’s Catholic Primary School
- St Thomas of Canterbury Catholic Primary School
- St Peter’s Catholic School
The Xavier Catholic Education Trust was set up three years ago and all the schools work together to provide the best possible education for all the 5550 children whom we serve. Our strap line is Striving for Excellence and we aim to do everything possible to ensure…
- Every child will receive an excellent education
- We will recruit, develop and retain the best people
- We will support our schools by providing exceptional central services
- Our Catholicity is at the core of everything we do
- We are financially robust and provide value for money
- We will maintain high levels of service whilst expanding
- For more information please see our website:
If you would like to contact us please email
Our mission is to be a Catholic School where every individual is highly valued and where care and concern for others is central to our work. All our students are expected to achieve their full potential and become equipped for adult life. At SJB everything we do is guided by Gospel values.
The School Mission Statement guides us in everything we say and do at St John the Baptist School. Gospel values are particularly important to us.
The Gospel values are:
- Love
- Forgiveness
- Reconciliation
- Justice
- Faith
- Integrity
- Humility
- Service
- Peace
- Hope
- Prayer
- And the greatest of these is Love
I am very proud to be the Headteacher of St John the Baptist School (SJB) and it gives me great pleasure to welcome you and your family to our website.
SJB is a community where every individual is highly valued and where care and concern for others is central to our work. We aim to blend academic learning with excellent pastoral care so that all students and staff thrive and feel successful.
Our Catholic ethos permeates throughout the school in how we treat each other and we value the opportunities for personal and community reflection that stems from celebrating our faith.
We are incredibly proud of our students! They are hardworking, well-behaved and enjoy both learning and spending time with each other and our staff. We work in a positive culture using consistent procedures and excellent systems. We are very proud of the quality of care our students receive alongside their academic education and strive to make all students’ time at school some of the happiest times of their lives.
At SJB we want our students to:
- Deepen their relationship with God
- Love learning
- Achieve their academic potential
- Have a wide range of experiences both in and out of the classroom
- Grow into happy, confident, resilient and articulate young people
- Leave SJB equipped to lead fulfilling lives and make a positive contribution to society
Our staff are vibrant, enthusiastic and passionate about ensuring our students get the very best deal. They work incredibly hard and are continually looking for ways to improve our provision. We are also very committed to improving the whole school system. We work closely with the Xavier Teaching School Hub, Teach South East SCITT and Schools Alliance for Excellence (SAfE) and lead the North East Hants and Surrey Maths Hub. As such we are able to offer our staff new opportunities in: leadership development; training future teachers; developing Maths teaching across all phases and supporting local primary and secondary schools. We currently have a number of staff that work, in a variety of capacities, in other schools. We work hard to offer development to all stages of a teachers career; from initial teacher training to NPQH for prospective Headteachers.
As a school we work hard to innovate and stay at the cutting edge of teaching and learning, and are constantly seeking opportunities to evaluate our practise and improve our provision. We are very proud to have been the first school in the country to have been recognised as “transforming” under the SSATs Framework for Exceptional Education in all twelve strands of practice including: culture of reflection; professional learning; variety of teaching; and leadership through moral purpose; principled curriculum design and many more!
Every Day is Open Day at SJB and visitors are always very welcome.
- James Granville Hamshar
- Headteacher