Teachers of Art & Design
- Miss A Kitching
- Mrs C D Setterfield (Curriculum Leader)
- Mrs L Kern
Our Vision for Art & Design
Students at SJB who study Art and Design embark on a journey of self-expression. Along the way there will be a variety of practical opportunities across a range of skill sets. Students explore, enjoy, unlock their creative potential and enhance their wellbeing. Art and Design prepares students for the creative industries and equips them with transferable skills for other pathways.
Key Stage 3
Year 7
Students learn about and explore the formal elements through key skills in drawing and painting. During the year they will experience working with a range of materials and techniques including printmaking and clay. Work produced is in response to contextual sources.
Year 7 Art Assessment Framework
Year 8
Students further develop and demonstrate their skills, knowledge and understanding learnt in Year 7. Drawing and painting are again fundamental. More complex printmaking and clay techniques are explored alongside introducing other new materials and processes. Students are given choices to encourage independence and more variety of outcomes. Work produced is in response and informed by a range of contextual sources.
Year 8 Art Assessment Framework
Year 9
Students develop mastery of the skills learnt in Year 7 and 8. Students are encouraged to work with greater independence and relate their work to topical as well as personal issues, informed by a wider range of contextual sources. They develop further understanding of the requirements to proceed to GCSE study and are equipped with the skills required for the course.
Year 9 Art Assessment Framework
Have faith…Believe you can!
At SJB we nurture independent, resilient, curious and motivated life long learners. Through compassion and being magnanimous, we strive to be a community where every individual feels uniquely valued. We aim to enable all students to be courageous, to act with integrity and have the moral strength to make a positive contribution to society. Our school is built upon high expectations, great relationships and our 5 core values :

We deliver a broad, balanced and inclusive curriculum that is ambitious for all our students, to enable them to fulfil their true potential and be successful in life. Our Vision for Learning is set out below:
We want our students to:
- Deepen their relationship with God
- Love learning
- Achieve their academic potential
- Have a wide range of experiences both in and out of the classroom
- Grow into happy, confident, resilient and articulate young people
- Leave SJB equipped to lead fulfilling lives and make a positive contribution to society
Our curriculum:
- Is underpinned by our motto “Have Faith…Believe you can!” and supports the students in growing their faith: in God; in themselves; and in each other.
- Raises students’ aspirations, challenges and equips them with the knowledge and skills to flourish in their future careers.
- Is inclusive, well designed and coherently sequenced in order to establish a strong foundation for all students.
- Is rich, inspiring and as broad as possible.
- Provides students with opportunities to take the curriculum beyond the classroom to develop independence, creativity and a love of learning.
- Offers a wide range of opportunities for students to take ownership of and personalise their curriculum in order to develop existing talents and interests as well as discover new ones.
- Fosters the development of character, communication skills, health and wellbeing in order to thrive beyond SJB.
Delivery of our curriculum:
- Embraces the concepts of ‘teaching for mastery’ and ‘quality first teaching’.
- Focuses on building both knowledge and skills over time.
- Engenders high expectations of all students.
- Strives to build students’ resilience, confidence and self-belief.
- Is delivered by subject experts and underpinned by evidence-based practice.
- Actively encourages making mistakes as part of learning.
- Uses assessment to help students embed and use knowledge fluently, check understanding and inform teaching.
- Ensures feedback is regular and concise so that students know their strengths, next steps and are given opportunities to address them.
- Utilises the latest technology to support learning and ensure all students develop their digital literacy.
- Develops students’ literacy skills.