Tackling sexual harassment amongst young people

It has been widely published that sexual harassment has become ‘normalised’ amongst teenagers within society. Sexual harassment is an example of peer-on-peer abuse. Incidents can include:

Verbal comments or comments made on social media:

  • Sexist name-calling
  • Unwanted or inappropriate sexual comments
  • Rumours about sexual activity

Physical contact:

  • Unwanted touching eg in school, on the bus, walking home, at parties
  • Sexual assault

Being pressured:

  • Feeling pressured to do sexual things they did not want to do
  • Being put under pressure to send sexual images of themselves

Social media incidents:

  • Being sent unwanted sexual pictures
  • Having pictures or nudes that they sent being shared more widely without their knowledge or consent
  • Being photographed or videoed without their knowledge or consent
  • Having pictures or videos taken without their consent circulated on social media

What parents/carers can do?

We ask parents/carers to be aware of these issues and encourage your children to talk to you about any worries. We would also encourage them to report to us these concerns too.

My advice to parents and carers is to create the culture before the crisis. Children have told us they want their mums and dads to create a safe, judgment free space for them to talk about these issues. It’s better to do that before you hit a problem rather than trying to create that mood while you’re dealing with one.

Helpful Links

Digital Parenting

Digital Parenting is a partnership between Parent Zone and Vodafone. The free annual magazine is an online safety guide for families, providing parents and carers with practical information and advice directly from teachers, other parents/carers and online safety experts on a range of subjects.

The latest issue features a number of articles including the topics of:

  • Digital resilience and how to nurture it in children
  • PSHE and it’s role in keeping children safe online
  • Body image and social media
  • Live streaming
  • Cybersecurity: A parent’s guide
  • Spotting harmful sexual behaviour online
  • Age ratings and what they mean
  • Tools and controls

Helpful Links

Staying Safe Online

At SJB we are committed to ensuring that students are safe when using the internet at School. Nonetheless, much of a child’s internet usage occurs outside of school, and we ask parents/carers to be interested, supportive and vigilant to their children’s usage. This page has been designed to give you information that will support you in this role.

What is my child doing online through social networking?

Children and young people go online to connect with friends, and make new ones, to browse the internet for information, chat with others and play games. They may:

  • Search for information or content on search engines like Google and Bing
  • Share images and watch videos through websites or mobile apps like Instagram, Pinterest, Vine, YouTube and Whatsapp
  • Use social networking websites like Facebook and Twitter
  • Write or reply to messages on forums and message boards
  • Play games alone or with others through websites, apps or game consoles
  • Chat with other people through online games, webcams, social networks and tools like Whatsapp.
  • When online, children and young people can learn new things, get help with homework, express themselves creatively and connect with friends and family. There are also risks, but by understanding and talking about the dangers you can help keep your child safe online.

What are the risks that my child could face?

Understanding the potential risks and encouraging safe and responsible use of the internet are crucial steps towards ensuring the safety of your child. Depending on the role that your child takes, whether the recipient, participant or actor, there are a number of potential risks.

Keeping your child safe online:
The internet is used every day in almost every home, we all know how useful it can be for research, gaming, keeping in touch with friends and even homework. But, as a parent, do you know what your child is researching, who they are playing games with and who their ‘online friends are.

A few tips to help keep them safe are:

  • Ensure you know who they are speaking to.
  • Do they know all their friends ‘online’ or are they “friends of friends”?
  • Do they have internet access all night in their bedrooms – do they need it?
  • Emphasise the danger of meeting someone they have only spoken to ‘online’.
  • Cyber-bullying is increasing – it is easier to type/text nasty things than say them face-to face.
  • Know how to report incidents and block unwanted contacts.

Parents and carers play a key role in supporting children to learn about how to stay safe online, and they are one of the first people children turn to if things go wrong. We know it can be difficult to stay on top of the wide range of sites and devices that young people use, so we hope that the following advice helps.

  • Have ongoing conversations with your children about staying safe online
  • Carry out spot checks on the devices that your children use, looking at images, videos, and social media
  • Use safety tools on social networks and other online services.
  • Use parental controls on your home internet
  • Understand devices and the parental control tools they offer. A useful guide can be found on the UK Safer Internet Centre’s website.

Helpful Links

Uniform Requirements

School uniform for Years 7-11 is compulsory, and we ask for the full co-operation of every parent in the maintenance of high standards in dress and appearance. The key words are smartness and general appropriateness; extremes should be avoided. The list below is quite detailed particularly with regard to shirts, skirts and trousers. Since uniforms are expensive it is essential that all items of clothing are clearly marked with the owner’s name, so that they can be returned quickly when mislaid. Iron-on labels are not sufficiently secure. School uniform must be worn from home to school and to home in the evening.

No jewellery may be worn except for medical bracelets, watches and matching plain gold or silver stud earrings – no more than one per ear. In line with Surrey County Council guidelines no jewellery at all may be worn during PE lessons even if it is taped up. Please ensure piercings are only done at the start of the summer holidays. Make-up and nail varnish may not be worn.

Please ensure your child does not wear any extremes of fashion in clothing, footwear and hairstyle as these are not permitted. Hair should be of a natural colour and lines shaved into students’ hair/ eyebrows are not allowed. Celebrating diversity is important to us and we acknowledge that certain hairstyles are an essential part of cultural, ethnic, racial, and religious identity.

Download a printable copy our uniform requirements

Girl’s Uniform

  • Description
  • Compulsory Items
  • Optional Items
  • Purchase from Valentino’s
  • Blazer
  • Navy blue complete with School Badge or Navy blue blazer from a High Street supplier with School Badge from Valentino’s sewn on
  • Blouse
  • Plain white
  • Skirt
  • Grey knee length skirt from Valentino’s
  • Trousers
  • Full length mid-grey tailored trousers not stretch or jersey material
  • Tie
  • School Tie yrs7-10
  • Tie
  • School Tie yr11 (available from School or Valentino’s)
  • Socks/tights
  • White socks or black tights with school skirt, grey or black socks with school trousers
  • Jumper
  • Navy blue v-necked
  • Shoes
  • Black flat or low-heeled shoes that can be polished (non-fabric)
  • Coat
  • Plain black or navy blue outdoor coat with no motifs
  • Gloves
  • Plain navy blue, black or grey
  • Hat
  • Plain navy blue, black or grey

Boy’s Uniform

  • Description
  • Compulsory Items
  • Optional Items
  • Purchase from Valentino’s
  • Blazer
  • Navy blue complete with School Badge or Navy blue blazer from a High Street supplier with School Badge from Valentino’s sewn on
  • Shirt
  • Plain white
  • Trousers
  • Mid-grey tailored trousers
  • Tie
  • School Tie yrs7-10
  • Tie
  • School Tie yr11 (available from School)
  • Socks
  • Grey or black
  • Jumper
  • Navy blue v-necked
  • Shoes
  • Black shoes that can be polished (non-fabric)
  • Coat
  • Plain black or navy blue outdoor coat with no motifs
  • Gloves
  • Plain navy blue, black or grey
  • Hat
  • Plain navy blue, black or grey

PE Kit

  • Description
  • Compulsory Items
  • Optional Items
  • Purchase from Valentino’s
  • Polo Shirt
  • Navy with school crest
  • GCSE Polo Shirt
  • Only if your child chooses PE as an option in Yr10 (available from school)
  • Shorts
  • Navy with school crest
  • Socks
  • Navy with school crest
  • Socks
  • White ankle socks (summer term only)
  • Rugby Shirt
  • Navy with school crest
  • 1/4 zip sweatshirt
  • Navy with school crest
  • Indoor trainers
  • Non-marking soles
  • Outdoor trainers
  • Football boots
  • No blades
  • Shin pads
  • Gum Shield
  • Holdall
  • With School Crest or plain from a High Street store
  • Jogging bottoms
  • Plain navy blue jogging bottoms with no logo or motif
  • Base layer
  • Plain navy blue base layer worn under the polo shirt
  • Base layer
  • Plain navy blue leggings worn under shorts

Sixth Form Dress Code

  • Boys
  • Tailored suit with a collard shirt, tie and smart leather shoes.
    A smart jumper may be worn underneath (but not instead of) a suit jacket.
  • Girls
  • A tailored skirt suit (knee length) or trouser suit (full length) with a tailored jacket, smart blouse or top, and smart leather shoes.
  • General
  • Hair should be a natural colour.
    No chunky/fluffy knitwear or fluffy coats.

    No biker/DM boots/DM shoes or similar.
    No strappy/low cut tops
    No nose rings or multiple piercings.

The school uniform can be purchased at:

G & S by Valentino Ltd
23-29 Broadway
GU21 2DR
Tel: 01483 475051/473357 Fax: 01483 473505

Download a printable copy our uniform requirements

Support for Parents

To maintain a joyful family requires much from both the parents and the children. Each member of the family has to become, in a special way, the servant of the others.

Pope John Paul II

Parenting is an incredible privilege that brings huge responsibility and joy, in equal measure. Parenting provides so many moments of happiness and pride, however, it is not without challenge. As teenagers grow and develop they require support to navigate the challenges that today’s society can present.

In this section of our website we have provided some useful support/ guidance for parents on a variety of key themes.

Supporting your child with their Wellbeing

Building Resilience

Through our curriculum, assemblies, form time activities and PSHE, we have a real focus on helping to develop resilience among our students. Resilient children are less afraid of making mistakes and more prepared to take risks – because they can cope if they get things wrong. They are also more able to be adaptable when they face challenges as they have developed a range of strategies to help them to overcome these. There are some fantastic resources you can access to help to support your child with this at home.

BBC Bitesize
Five ways to build your child’s resilience - BBC Bitesize
Raising resilient children

Additional Support – School Based Support

We do however understand that there may be times, for a variety of reasons, when your child is struggling and you may need some additional. We have a really clear structure of support at SJB with form tutors always being the first point of contact. Any additional support your child may need will be co-ordinated through your child’s Head of Year. We offer a wide range of additional support including:

  • Coping Strategies
  • Wellbeing Mentors
  • Small group Wellbeing Sessions (for anxiety and self esteem)
  • Bereavement support
  • Short term counselling sessions / support
  • Referrals to external / additional support

Should you feel like your child needs additional support please contact your child’s form tutor in the first instance. They will be able to pass on your concerns to the most relevant person.

Parental Guide

As a school we are regularly asked by parents and carers for advice on how to best support children with their well-being at home.

So we thought it would be helpful if we put together a booklet with strategies and organisations that have been particularly helpful / effective in the past.

Whilst this is by no means a complete picture, of every method that can be used or every organisation that can be accessed, we do hope that you will find this a helpful starting point.

Supporting your child with their Wellbeing at home
Download the booklet

External Support

There are a number of organisations who offer support for families and young people covering a range of specialities. Below are organisations which have been successfully used by families and young people in the past year.

Healthy Surrey
...Surrey is a website created by Surrey County Council to provide support for emotional wellbeing and mental health needs. The website has a range of self help resources, online help and details of where to access more help if you need it.
Children and young people's mental health and wellbeing
Someone is available 24 hours a day to listen to any concerns without judgement or pressure. Website and phone service.
Young Minds
...are an organisation who specialise in working with young people. They have a wide variety of resources on their website which cover a range of topics.
...are an online service who provide digital support to young people who are experiencing issues with their mental health. They provide articles, wellbeing ideas and online community support.
...has a wide range of resources which provide information to help your child understand how they might be feeling. They also offer a range of ideas of things that can be done to support wellbeing.
Coming out of lockdown
...is a website produced by the NHS with a range of help and advice for parents who may be concerned about their childs mental health
MindEd For Families
BEAT ...is an organisation specialising in Eating Disorders. They offer a phone and online chat support. 0808 801 0711
Chat Health
...is a confidential text messaging service for young people. You can get in touch with a healthcare professional for advice and support
...offers facts, advice and support on drugs and alcohol. They operate online and via phone support.
...offers support for young people suffering bereavement. They have a website full of really useful information plus they offer online support

In a crisis situation

Should you find yourself in a situation where you need URGENT support regarding your child’s mental health or wellbeing please use the following services:

Surrey Mental Health Service offer a Mental Health Helpline

They operate 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year 0800 915 4644

If you cannot get an appointment with your GP and it is an emergency, take your child to A&E.


Autumn 2024 Edition

SJB Buzzin’ – Autumn 2024 Edition

SJBuzzin – Autumn Edition 2024.mp3

Summer 2024 Edition


Stuff@SJB – Spring Edition 2024

Previous Newsletter Editions

Stuff@SJB – Autumn Edition 2023

Stuff@SJB – Summer Edition 2023

Stuff@SJB – Spring Edition 2023

Stuff@SJB – Autumn Edition 2022

Stuff@SJB – Summer Edition 2022

Stuff@SJB – Spring Edition 2022Stuff@SJB – Autumn Edition 2021

Stuff@SJB – Summer Edition 2021Stuff@SJB – Autumn Edition 2020

Autumn 2019Summer 2019

Spring 2019Autumn 2018

Summer 2018Spring 2018


Student Charter

In order to provide all our children with the very best education we need the full support of all our parents and students. We ask that you to work in partnership with us. When we work as a team, we can truly work in the very best interests of your child. A positive partnership underpins a child’s success and we value the relationship we have with our parents and place a huge amount of importance upon it. Our partnership is richest when we nurture the growth of the individual, providing a setting where a child can learn, feel happy and secure and where the lines of communication between us are open. Growing up in today’s world is a challenge for our children. Our partnership will provide them with the boundaries, guidance and support that will enable them to flourish in a caring and safe environment.

The aim of our Student Charter is to demonstrate how we can be most effective in this relationship as the children journey through seven years of education at SJB. It outlines what you can expect from us and in return what we expect from parents and students.

All parents and students are expected to subscribe to this charter and sign to state that they will uphold it when they enter the school.

SJB Student Charter


It is widely recognised that homework makes an important contribution to students’ progress. At SJB, it is felt that work completed at home is an essential part of school work. When homework is used properly, it extends the challenge open to the students and ensures that teaching time is used to maximum effect. It also prepares students gradually for the more independent demands of study as they mature. Equally, we believe it is important that all students have time in their day to ‘play’ and spend time participating in extra-curricular activities. For this reason, our homework gradually increases from 50 minutes per night in Year 7 to around 1.5 hours per night in Year 11 and 2-3 hours per day in the Sixth Form.

In Year 7 and 8 there is a blend of ‘subject’ homework as well as the development of literacy and numeracy skills; every night students will complete 30 minutes of ‘subject’ homework as well as a further 20-30 minutes of homework focused on the development of literacy and numeracy skills as we believe these are fundamentally important in being able to access learning across the curriculum. From Year 9 onwards there is a greater ‘subject’ focus. Further to this, each half term, there will be a minimum of one homework aimed at improving vocabulary and one aimed at improving your child’s reading and comprehension skills.

We set homework for the following reasons:

  • It encourages students to develop the skills, confidence, and self-motivation needed to study effectively on their own.
  • It consolidates and reinforces knowledge and skills being developed at school.
  • It facilitates retrieval practice and enables students to commit knowledge to long term memory.
  • It extends school learning (for example, through additional reading).
  • It sustains the involvement of parents in the management of students’ learning and keeps them in touch with what is happening in the classroom.
  • It helps students to develop their time-management and organisational skills.
  • It enables students to better manage the increasing demands placed on them as they get older and become young adults.

Homework Timetables

Year 7 2024-25

Year 8 2024-25

Year 9 2024-25

Year 10 2024-25

Year 11 2024-25