EPQ – Extended Project Qualification

What is an EPQ?

An Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) is an independent research project that students complete in Sixth Form.  It’s a Level 3 qualification that’s equivalent to half an A-Level. Exam board: Pearson (Edexcel)


How does the course work?

EPQ runs from October in Year 12 through the year and wraps up by October half term in Year 13, where students submit their work and give a presentation on their findings.
What does it involve?
  • Students choose a topic and conduct their own research 
  • Students produce a written report, such as an essay or investigation 
  • Students may also create an artifact, such as a piece of artwork or musical composition
  • Students present their work to their peers
  • Students keep a reflective log of their project 

What’s the purpose? 

  • The EPQ demonstrates a student’s ability to work independently and think critically
  • It helps students develop skills that are useful for university work
  • It can help students become more attractive to universities
How is it assessed? 
  • Students are assigned a supervisor to help with their project
  • Teachers assess the project and provide a grade
  • An exam board moderates the teachers’ marks (Edexcel)
Students are required to choose a topic area and develop a title which does not currently have a definite answer but may have various alternative views on it/possible answers. The idea is that students research the question fully and structure and write an extended essay (dissertation) which examines the question in depth and comes to an evidence based conclusion.
During their journey they develop many skills such as researching (skim, scan, summarise), critical thinking,  evaluation of evidence reliability, independence, time management, referencing and presentation.
The EPQ is great for students who are already very well organised, motivated, passionate about their subjects and keen to develop their skills. It is worth half an A Level (28 UCAS points), so can strengthen applications.


Teachers of Science

  • Miss L Cook (Curriculum Leader)
  • Miss K Atherton (Head of Biology)
  • Mrs V Barclay
  • Miss V Bates
  • Mr R Beaumont
  • Miss S Clark
  • Miss H Dare (Head of Physics)
  • Miss K Heeley (Head of Chemistry)
  • Mr M Lenton
  • Miss V Sears
  • Mrs E Temple
  • Miss M Townend
  • Mr J Jiagge-Takyi
  • Mr M Woodhams
  • Mr S Young
  • Mr D Riding (Assistant Head of Science i/c Wider Curriculum Provision)
  • Miss L McMahon (Assistant Head of Science i/c KS3)

Our Vision for Science

Our vision for science education is to ignite curiosity, foster critical thinking, and cultivate a deep understanding of the world. We believe science equips students with the knowledge and skills to question, investigate, and solve real-world problems. By embedding practical enquiry, rigorous knowledge, and interdisciplinary thinking, we empower students to navigate and contribute to an ever-evolving world. Our curriculum aspires to develop confident, resilient learners who embrace challenges, appreciate the beauty of discovery, and are inspired to pursue scientific advancement for the benefit of society and the environment. Through science, we build the innovators of tomorrow.

Science at SJB is about inspiring curiosity and seeking discovery. Through:

  • Building knowledge
  • Evaluating big ideas
  • Making connections
  • Working collaboratively
  • Practical investigation

Physics Curriculum Mapping

Chemistry Curriculum Mapping

Biology Curriculum Mapping

Key Stage 4


Teachers of RE

  • Mr J Budzynski-Seymour (Curriculum Leader)
  • Mrs S Alder
  • Miss A Antony
  • Mr R Beaumont
  • Mrs M Correia
  • Mr J Haselden
  • Miss G Rejman
  • Mr S Rowan
  • Miss I Turner

Our Vision for RE

Students at SJB study RE to understand better who they are; to find their place in the world and receive the tools to strive to be the best version of themselves.

Key Stage 4


Teachers of PE

  • Miss R Jeppeson (Curriculum Leader)
  • Mr T Birch
  • Mr C Black
  • Mr E Green
  • Mr J Hacker
  • Miss L Hockin
  • Mr D Newman
  • Miss H Peterkin
  • Mrs M Shaw

Our Vision for PE

Students at SJB study PE to guide & inspire them to maintain optimum health & fitness for the rest of their lives. They will develop physical literacy & experience positive feelings around physical activity, building confidence in their bodies. PE develops a range of life skills including leadership, teamwork & a resilience to physical & mental challenges. For many students, physical education will be a source of great passion & can foster a curiosity in the limits of human health & performance.

Key Stage 4


Teachers of Music

  • Mr L Ali
  • Miss P Cantwell (Curriculum Leader)
  • Mr M McKenna

Our Vision for Music

Students at SJB study music to develop a lifelong enjoyment and appreciation of music. We nurture the innate musical potential of all pupils by creating, performing and appraising music both in the classroom and through the diverse extra-curricular programme. This helps to develop students’ understanding and appreciation of different cultures.

Key Stage 4

Modern Foreign Languages

Teachers of Modern Foreign Languages

  • Mr R Czepukojc (Curriculum Leader)
  • Mrs V Earl (Head of French)
  • Mrs S Arfield (Head of Spanish)
  • Miss S Saltari (Head of Italian)
  • Miss K Grundy
  • Miss A Ellis
  • Miss J Licence
  • Miss E Mackay
  • Miss M Arenas

Our Vision for Modern Foreign Languages

Students at SJB study foreign languages to become citizens of the world, equipped with transferable and communication skills, as well as an open-mindedness to other cultures.

We offer French, Spanish and Italian at Key Stage 4.

Key Stage 4


Teachers of Maths

  • Mrs T Booth (Curriculum Leader)
  • Mr A Alvarez-Gomez
  • Mrs M Correia
  • Miss M Daniels
  • Miss E Dolan
  • Miss A Dwyer
  • Mr M Goggin
  • Miss L C Hort
  • Mrs V Lally
  • Mrs J E McNeil
  • Mr S Petri
  • Miss S Reeve
  • Mr S Rowan
  • Miss R Shepherd
  • Miss K Stansfield
  • Miss I Turner

Our Vision for Maths

Students at SJB study Maths to:

  • Develop their passion for problem-solving and nurture a love and enjoyment of the subject. From types of triangles to advanced trigonometry, Maths is fun and inclusive for all.
  • Equip them to be numerically literate for an ever-changing world where Maths underpins world systems through a universal language.
  • Learn important skills, such as critical and logical thinking, that are crucial and applicable to all areas of life. Whether our students go on to be a stage designer or an astronaut; the skills that students develop through studying Maths will equip them for wider society.

Key Stage 4


Teachers of History

  • Miss C Clay (Curriculum Leader)
  • Miss E Cavell
  • Miss B Duke
  • Mr A Jewell
  • Mr R Hockley
  • L Petrie
  • S Rowan
  • I Turner

Our Vision for History

Students at SJB study History to empower them to understand a diverse range of people and societies in Britain and the wider world. This will enable them to develop an informed appreciation of current affairs, societal challenges and British values. Students will learn how to build concrete and convincing arguments and become confident at questioning the value of evidence through critical thinking. The range of topics we study are interesting, engaging, thought-provoking and support students’ understanding of other subjects.

Key Stage 4


Teachers of Geography

  • Dr T J Belliss
  • Mrs E Flemington
  • Mr A Jewell
  • Mrs L Kenny
  • Miss B L Paling (Curriculum Lead)
  • Ms B Mombo
  • Miss A Brooks
  • Mr S Rowan
  • Miss I Turner

Our Vision for Geography

Students at SJB study geography in order to develop a sense of awe and wonder about places and people at all levels, from the personal, to the local and the global. Our department strives to inspire students to have a love of the world around them and we will do this through varied activities inside and outside of the classroom. We aim to ensure Geography becomes a lifelong love of our students and encourages their questioning, investigation and critical thinking about issues affecting the world and people’s lives, now and in the future.

Key Stage 4

Food Technology

Teachers of Food Technology

  • Mrs N C Armstrong
  • Mrs C Cunningham (Curriculum Leader)

Our Vision for Food Technology

Food and Nutrition teaches both the theory and practical skills which prepares students for adulthood. Students are strongly encouraged to adapt recipes to meet their own dietary requirements, enriching their relationship with food and nutrition. The subject develops a range of skills such as time management, independence, creativity, fine motor skills as well as teamwork which are vital for all learning and excellent life skills.

Key Stage 4