What is an EPQ?
An Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) is an independent research project that students complete in Sixth Form. It’s a Level 3 qualification that’s equivalent to half an A-Level. Exam board: Pearson (Edexcel)
How does the course work?
EPQ runs from October in Year 12 through the year and wraps up by October half term in Year 13, where students submit their work and give a presentation on their findings.
What does it involve?
- Students choose a topic and conduct their own research
- Students produce a written report, such as an essay or investigation
- Students may also create an artifact, such as a piece of artwork or musical composition
- Students present their work to their peers
- Students keep a reflective log of their project
What’s the purpose?
- The EPQ demonstrates a student’s ability to work independently and think critically
- It helps students develop skills that are useful for university work
- It can help students become more attractive to universities
- Students are assigned a supervisor to help with their project
- Teachers assess the project and provide a grade
- An exam board moderates the teachers’ marks (Edexcel)
Students are required to choose a topic area and develop a title which does not currently have a definite answer but may have various alternative views on it/possible answers. The idea is that students research the question fully and structure and write an extended essay (dissertation) which examines the question in depth and comes to an evidence based conclusion.
During their journey they develop many skills such as researching (skim, scan, summarise), critical thinking, evaluation of evidence reliability, independence, time management, referencing and presentation.
The EPQ is great for students who are already very well organised, motivated, passionate about their subjects and keen to develop their skills. It is worth half an A Level (28 UCAS points), so can strengthen applications.
Teachers of RE
- Mr J Budzynski-Seymour (Curriculum Leader)
- Mrs S Alder
- Miss A Antony
- Mr R Beaumont
- Mrs M Correia
- Mr J Haselden
- Miss G Rejman
- Mr S Rowan
- Miss I Turner
Our Vision for RE
Students at SJB study RE to understand better who they are; to find their place in the world and receive the tools to strive to be the best version of themselves.
Key Stage 4
Qualification: GCSE
Exam Board: EdExcel
Exam: 100%
Exam Structure: 3 exam papers sat in the summer of Year 11 (1x 1hr45 minute paper, 2x 50 minute papers)
Link to specification:
Pearson Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies A (2016)
Year 10
- Catholic beliefs
- Catholic practices
- Sources of wisdom and authority
- Forms of expression and Catholic art
Year 11
- Beliefs in Judaism
- Practices in Judaism
- Philosophy
- Relationships and family life in 21st Century
Teachers of PE
- Miss R Jeppeson (Curriculum Leader)
- Mr T Birch
- Mr C Black
- Mr E Green
- Mr J Hacker
- Miss L Hockin
- Mr D Newman
- Miss H Peterkin
- Mrs M Shaw
Our Vision for PE
Students at SJB study PE to guide & inspire them to maintain optimum health & fitness for the rest of their lives. They will develop physical literacy & experience positive feelings around physical activity, building confidence in their bodies. PE develops a range of life skills including leadership, teamwork & a resilience to physical & mental challenges. For many students, physical education will be a source of great passion & can foster a curiosity in the limits of human health & performance.
Key Stage 4
All students continue with Core PE and develop their skills through the 5 strands, so they leave school equipped to manage their physical, mental and emotional health. This also includes developing leadership and life skills such as communication, working as part of a team and problem solving.
Qualification: GCSE
Exam Board:AQA
Practical/ Coursework: 40%
Exam: 60%
Exam Structure: 2 x 1hr 15min exam papers sat in the summer of Year 11
Link to specification: AQA GCSE Physical Education (8582)
Course Overview:
The GCSE PE course is a challenging and rewarding course that helps to prepare students for a future in Sport. It contains 3 different aspects: practical, theory and coursework. Through this unique arrangement GCSE PE challenges and develops students in different ways from most other subjects. Students are required to be an active member of extra-curricular PE club/s or play a sport outside of school at their local club or team.
Component 1: Theory Paper 1 – The Human Body and Movement in Physical Activity and Sport (30% of overall grade)
- This component will assess predominantly the anatomical topics of the course including the Muscular, Skeletal, Respiratory and Cardiovascular system.
- The paper is sat at the end of year 11.
- For a more in-depth guide please use the link below to find the ‘Unit Guides’ and locate the appropriate unit guide.
Component 2: Theory Paper 2 – Socio-Cultural Influences and Well-Being in Physical Activity and Sport (30% of overall grade)
- This component will assess sports psychology, health, fitness and well-being as well as what influences participation within sport.
- The paper is sat at the end of year 11.
- For a more in-depth guide please use the link below to find the ‘Unit Guides’ and locate the appropriate unit guide.
Component 3: Practical (30% of overall grade)
Students are assessed as a performer across a wide range of different sports, with their top three sports being submitted towards their final grade. They can also be assessed in sports that we are not able to teach in lessons (e.g. skiing, equestrian). This will require video footage and needs to be discussed with a member of the PE department to ensure it will be applicable to use. Students cannot be an official or leader. The three sports must contain the following:
- 1 Team – Rugby/Football/Basketball etc. (25 marks)
- 1 Individual – Athletics/Table Tennis/Swimming (25 marks)
- 1 other – from any section (team or individual) (25 marks)
Total marks: 75
Students are assessed in isolated drills and a competitive environment. This includes aspects of technical accuracy when performing skills, demonstration of decision making, problem-solving skills and performing as part of a team and strategy and tactical appreciation.
Please follow the link at the top of the page where the current specification of Team and Individual activities can be found.
Component 4: Coursework (10% of overall grade)
The coursework is completed before the year 11 mocks and is supported by the knowledge gained in the Physical Training unit. It is worth 25 marks.
This piece of work requires students to analyse their performance in one sport of their choice focusing on one fitness strength and weakness, then one skill strength and weakness. They will then evaluate the weaknesses and design a plan to improve them.
PE KS4 Assessment Framework
Teachers of Music
- Mr L Ali
- Miss P Cantwell (Curriculum Leader)
- Mr M McKenna
Our Vision for Music
Students at SJB study music to develop a lifelong enjoyment and appreciation of music. We nurture the innate musical potential of all pupils by creating, performing and appraising music both in the classroom and through the diverse extra-curricular programme. This helps to develop students’ understanding and appreciation of different cultures.
Key Stage 4
Qualification: GCSE
Exam Board: Eduqas
Coursework: 60%
Exam: 40%
Exam Structure: 1 listening exam of 1 hour 15 minutes.
Link to specification:
Course Overview:
Component 1: Performing 30% (Coursework)
A portfolio of recordings with a minimum of two pieces, one of which much must be an ensemble performance of at least one minute duration. One of the pieces must like to an Area of Study.
Total duration: 4-6 minutes.
Component 2: Composing 30% (Coursework)
A portfolio of two compositions, one of which must be in response to a brief set by the exam board which will link to the Areas of Study and is released in the September of Year 11. The second composition is a free composition, which will be started in Year 10.
Component 3: Appraising 40%
A listening and written paper of 1 hour 15mins. This will test listening skills and understanding of the context of pieces of music, based on the Areas of Study.
- Musical Forms and Devices (set work: Bach – Badinerie)
- Music for Ensemble
- Film Music
- Popular Music (set work: Toto – Africa)
Teachers of Modern Foreign Languages
- Mr R Czepukojc (Curriculum Leader)
- Mrs V Earl (Head of French)
- Mrs S Arfield (Head of Spanish)
- Miss S Saltari (Head of Italian)
- Miss K Grundy
- Miss A Ellis
- Miss J Licence
- Miss E Mackay
- Miss M Arenas
Our Vision for Modern Foreign Languages
Students at SJB study foreign languages to become citizens of the world, equipped with transferable and communication skills, as well as an open-mindedness to other cultures.
We offer French, Spanish and Italian at Key Stage 4.
Key Stage 4
Year 10 (Spanish and French)
Qualification: GCSE from 2024
Exam Board: Edexcel
Exam: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing – 25% each
Link to specification:
French: GCSE French from 2024
Spanish: GCSE Spanish from 2024
Course Overview:
Students cover 6 thematic contexts across the course:
• My personal world
• Lifestyle and wellbeing
• My neighbourhood
• Media and technology
• Studying and my future
• Travel and tourism
Students will either sit Foundation or Higher tier and all exams are at the end of the course.
Year 11 (French and Spanish)
Qualification: GCSE from 2016
Exam Board: Edexcel
Exam: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing – 25% each
Link to specification:
French: GCSE (9-1) French
Spanish: GCSE (9-1) Spanish
Course Overview:
Students cover 5 themes across the course:
• Identity and Culture
• School
• Local Area, Holiday and Travel
• Future Aspirations, Study and Work
• International and Global Dimension
Students will either sit Foundation or Higher tier and all exams are at the end of the course.
Year 10 and 11 (Italian)
Qualification: GCSE from 2016
Exam Board: AQA
Exam: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing – 25% each
Link to specification:
Italian: Italian AQA GCSE
Course Overview:
Students cover 3 themes across the course:
• Identity and Culture
• Local, national, international and global areas of interest
• Current and future study and employment
Students will either sit Foundation or Higher tier and all exams are at the end of the course.
Teachers of History
- Miss C Clay (Curriculum Leader)
- Miss E Cavell
- Miss B Duke
- Mr A Jewell
- Mr R Hockley
- L Petrie
- S Rowan
- I Turner
Our Vision for History
Students at SJB study History to empower them to understand a diverse range of people and societies in Britain and the wider world. This will enable them to develop an informed appreciation of current affairs, societal challenges and British values. Students will learn how to build concrete and convincing arguments and become confident at questioning the value of evidence through critical thinking. The range of topics we study are interesting, engaging, thought-provoking and support students’ understanding of other subjects.
Key Stage 4
Qualification: GCSE
Exam Board: AQA
Exam: 100%
Exam Structure: 2 x 2hour papers sat at the end of Yr 11
Link to specification:
GCSE History
Course Overview:
Unit 1: America, 1920-1973: Opportunity and Inequality
Unit 2: Conflict and Tension between East and West, 1945-1972
Unit 3: Health and the People c.1000 to the Present Day
Unit 4: Norman England c.1066-c.1100
Teachers of Geography
- Dr T J Belliss
- Mrs E Flemington
- Mr A Jewell
- Mrs L Kenny
- Miss B L Paling (Curriculum Lead)
- Ms B Mombo
- Miss A Brooks
- Mr S Rowan
- Miss I Turner
Our Vision for Geography
Students at SJB study geography in order to develop a sense of awe and wonder about places and people at all levels, from the personal, to the local and the global. Our department strives to inspire students to have a love of the world around them and we will do this through varied activities inside and outside of the classroom. We aim to ensure Geography becomes a lifelong love of our students and encourages their questioning, investigation and critical thinking about issues affecting the world and people’s lives, now and in the future.
Key Stage 4
Qualification: GCSE
Exam Board: Edexcel B
Coursework: N/A
Exam: 100%
Exam Structure: 3 x 1hr 30min exam papers sat in the summer of Year 11
Link to specification:
GCSE (9-1) Geography B
Course Overview:
An exciting and relevant course that enables students to investigate both global issues and those closer to home. Students gain a sense of awe and wonder and begin to understand their place in the world thereby helping them succeed in their chosen pathway for future study.
Exam 1: Global Geographical Issues
Topic 1: Hazardous Earth
Topic 2: Development dynamics
Topic 3: Challenges of an urbanising world
Exam 2: UK Geographical Issues
Topic 4: The UK’s evolving physical landscape (Coastal change and conflict and River processes and pressures)
Topic 5: The UK’s evolving human landscape – including a Case Study of London
Topic 6: Geographical investigations – including one physical fieldwork investigation and one human fieldwork investigation (see below for more information)
Component 3: People and Environment Issues – Making Geographical Decisions.
Section A: People and the biosphere
Section B: Forests under threat
Section C: Consuming energy resources
Section D: Making a geographical decision
Fieldwork: We undertake 2 days fieldwork. One for human geography to Guildford and the other to Juniper Hall Field Studies Centre to explore river characteristics.
Teachers of Food Technology
- Mrs N C Armstrong
- Mrs C Cunningham (Curriculum Leader)
Our Vision for Food Technology
Food and Nutrition teaches both the theory and practical skills which prepares students for adulthood. Students are strongly encouraged to adapt recipes to meet their own dietary requirements, enriching their relationship with food and nutrition. The subject develops a range of skills such as time management, independence, creativity, fine motor skills as well as teamwork which are vital for all learning and excellent life skills.
Key Stage 4
Qualification: GCSE
Exam Board: Eduqas
NEA: 50%
Exam: 50%
Exam Structure: 1 x 1hr 45 min exam paper sat in the summer of Year 11
Link to specification:
WJEC Eduqas GCSE in Food Preparation and Nutrition
Course Overview:
GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition is suitable for students who enjoyed their KS3 lessons and look forward to expanding their practical skills as well as deepening their understanding on the impact food plays in society today. Studying Food Preparation and Nutrition learners will cover the following topics:
Culinary Skills: students will increase their culinary repertoire and be able to demonstrate effective and safe cooking skills by planning and preparing a variety of food commodities whilst using different cooking techniques and equipment
Food Science: develop knowledge and understanding of the functional properties and chemical characteristics of food as well as a sound knowledge of the nutritional content of food and drinks
Nutrition: understand the relationship between diet, nutrition and health, including the physiological and psychological effects of poor diet and health
Food Provenance: understand the economic, environmental, ethical and social-cultural influences on food availability, production processes, diet and health choices
Food Manufacturing: understand and explore a range of ingredients and processes from different culinary traditions