Geography is a great subject to study if you are passionate about the world and want to make a difference. It will provide you with many transferrable skills such as evaluation, analysis, statistics and assessment and will set you up nicely for the world of work. At the same time, you will gain a deep understanding of the human and physical world and a curiosity for how they function and develop.
Our Vision for Geography
Students at SJB study geography in order to develop a sense of awe and wonder about places and people at all levels, from the personal, to the local and the global. Our department strives to inspire students to have a love of the world around them and we will do this through varied activities inside and outside of the classroom. We aim to ensure Geography becomes a lifelong love of our students and encourages their questioning, investigation and critical thinking about issues affecting the world and people’s lives, now and in the future.
Qualification: A-Level Exam Board: Edexcel Coursework: 20% Exam: 80% Exam Structure: 3 x 2hr 15min exam papers sat in the summer of Year 13 Link to specification: Edexcel A level Geography (2016)
Course Overview: Paper 1 – Dynamic Landscapes (30% of the qualification) Topic 1: Tectonic Processes and Hazards Topic 2: Landscape Systems, Processes and Change – including Coastal Landscapes and Change Topic 5: The Water Cycle and Water Insecurity Topic 6: The Carbon Cycle and Energy Security Paper 2 – Dynamic Places (30% of the qualification) Topic 3: Globalisation Topic 4: Shaping Places – including Regenerating Places Topic 7: Superpowers Topic 8: Global Development and Connections including Health, Human Rights and Intervention
Paper 3 – Synoptic Geography (20% of the qualification)
The specification contains three synoptic themes: Players, Attitudes and Actions, Futures/Uncertainties. A geographical issue within a place-based context will form the basis to the synoptic investigation. It links to the three synoptic themes and is has foundations in two or more of the compulsory content areas.
Paper 4 – Independent Investigation (20% of the qualification)
Following an independent piece of field work (choice from: TBC) pupils will define a question or issue for investigation, relating to the compulsory or optional content. The choice may be related to any aspect of geography contained within the specification. The student’s investigation will incorporate fieldwork data (collected individually or as part of a group) and own research and/or secondary data. The fieldwork, which forms the focus and context of the individual investigation, may be either human, physical or a mixture of both physical and human. The investigation report will follow the process of enquiry and utilise evidence, independent analysis and evaluation of data, presentation of data findings and extended writing.
Further Mathematics
Teachers of Maths
Mrs T Booth (Curriculum Leader)
Mr A Alvarez
Miss M Daniels
Mrs E Dolan
Miss A Dwyer
Mr M Goggin
Miss L Hort
Mrs V Lally
Mrs J McNeil
Mr S Petri
Miss S Reeve
Mr S Rowan
Miss B Shepherd
Miss K Stansfield
Miss I Turner
Reasons to Study Further Maths
This full A Level covers broader and deeper topics than the single A level. This is for you if you love maths and want to do a degree which has a high mathematical content. More prestigious universities might have it as an entrance requirement.
Our Vision for Maths
Students at SJB study Maths to:
Develop their passion for problem-solving and nurture a love and enjoyment of the subject. From types of triangles to advanced trigonometry, Maths is fun and inclusive for all.
Equip them to be numerically literate for an ever-changing world where Maths underpins world systems through a universal language.
Learn important skills, such as critical and logical thinking, that are crucial and applicable to all areas of life. Whether our students go on to be a stage designer or an astronaut; the skills that students develop through studying Maths will equip them for wider society.
Career Paths
Business Studies
Computing and Engineering
Mathematics (obviously!)
Some students find that studying a single A-level in Mathematics is not sufficient preparation for degrees with a significant mathematical content.
Numerous universities now stipulate that Further Maths is a preferred subject for many of their Maths/Economics/Engineering based degree courses.
If you would like more advice on this please contact Mrs Lally or Mrs Risman.
Further Mathematics is aimed at students who are both strong mathematicians and show a real passion for the subject.Students should be fluent in both their algebraic skills and trigonometry skills from GCSE.
Suitable candidates for the course are those who enjoy working independently to solve complex mathematical problems. Qualification: A-Level Exam Board: Edexcel Exam: 100%
Course Overview: Unit 1: Core Pure Mathematics (1.5 hour assessment) Unit 2: Core Pure Mathematics (1.5 hour assessment) Unit 3: Decision Mathematics 1 (1.5 hour assessment) Unit 4: Further Mechanics 1 (1.5 hour assessment)
The year 12 content is accessible to a solid A level Maths candidate as not all of the new modules require prior knowledge. However, the year 13 is much more challenging and as such an exceptionally talented Mathematician will thrive on some of the more complex concepts (many of which take study to undergraduate level). The level of difficulty of the A-level should not be underestimated. Some degree courses with high Mathematical content may expect candidates to have studied Further Maths. Please see Mrs Lally if you have any further questions, or E-mail:
Film Studies
Teachers of Film Studies
Mr J Sharp (Curriculum Leader)
Mr C Wall
Reasons to Study Film Studies
Studying film from a variety of disciplinary perspectives will allow you not only to interpret the complex visual texts that pervade our image-saturated culture, but also to appreciate the beauty of the cinematic language that tells some of our greatest cultural stories. Our world communicates through the moving image—from Citizen Kane to the Marvel Cinematic Universe to the last .gif you sent to a friend; learning cinematic literacy—the what, how, and why of film in communication—is one of the most important and rewarding skills a student can develop in the 21st century.
Our Vision for Film Studies
The Media is powerful. It is persuasive in shaping the views of society. SJB students will learn to interrogate what has become so easily consumed in the media landscape. We aim to equip the students with essential 21st century skills and knowledge – media literacy, creativity, critical thinking, and employability.
Qualification: A Film Studies Exam Board: Eduqas Coursework: Component 3: Cross-Media Production: Non-exam assessment = 30% of qualification. Students develop a set brief from the exam board. To construct their own short film as either a moving image product or screenplay accompanied by storyboard. Exam: 2 written exams at the end of year 13 Exam Structure:
Component 1 Exam: Varieties of Film and Film-Making: Written examination: 2 hours 30 minutes = 35% of qualification
Component 2 Exam: Global Filmmaking Perspectives: Written examination: 2 hours 30 minutes = 35% of qualification
Course Overview:
A Level students study a wide range of films from past and present selected by the exam board. They will explore and learn how to analyse and evaluate films in relation to 4 areas: key film elements, meaning and audience response and context. Students focus on applying a wide range of concepts and theories to support their analysis and evaluation in the form of essay writing. They will develop and refine their practical skills (lighting, camera, sound and editing) during a series of in-depth workshops to support the construction of their own products for Component 3.
English Language provides the opportunity to study how our exciting language has developed over time. Through this course you are exposed to a wide variety of genres and technical terms which will help to develop your communication skills and written accuracy. This subject is great for any budding writers who have a passion for language.
Our Vision for English
Students at SJB study English because it defines our reality – from the way that we think, to the words that we speak, to the way that we write. Language enriches students’ minds with an understanding, respect and empathy for different voices from across time and cultures. By studying English, students will engage with the world outside of the classroom, become more confident in their self-expression, and develop an appreciation of language in all its forms.
Career Paths
English Language at Higher Education level opens doors to many careers. A strong A Level in English Language could enable you to pursue career paths in:
Qualification: A Level English Language Exam Board: Pearson Edexcel Coursework: 20% Exam: 80% Exam Structure: 1 x 2 hour 15 minute exam, 1 x 1 hour 15 minute exam and 1 x 1 hour 45 minute exam sat at the end of Year 13 Link to specification: Pearson Edexcel AS and A level English Language (2015)Course Overview: Component 1: Language Variation Component 2: Child Language Acquisition Component 3: Investigating Language Component 4: NEA – Crafting Language
English Literature
Teachers of English Literature
Miss F Ruffle (Curriculum Leader)
Mr E Baidya
Mr P Bergin
Mrs A Clark
Mrs B Donovan
Ms T Hanrahan
Mrs A Herbertson
Mr D Kaye
Miss H Macmillan
Mrs C McLaughlin
Mr C Newman
Miss L Mobbs
Miss S Renn
Mr S Rowan
Mr D Ryans
Mr E Solaz
Miss I Turner
Reasons to Study English Literature
If you love reading then this is the subject for you. We will deeply analyse a range of poetry, prose and drama – including Shakespeare – and have the freedom to develop your own line of inquiry. Universities highly value English A Levels due to the breadth of communication skills students acquire.
Our Vision for English
Students at SJB study English because it defines our reality – from the way that we think, to the words that we speak, to the way that we write. Language enriches students’ minds with an understanding, respect and empathy for different voices from across time and cultures. By studying English, students will engage with the world outside of the classroom, become more confident in their self-expression, and develop an appreciation of language in all its forms.
Career Paths
English at Higher Education level opens doors to many careers. A strong A Level in English Literature could enable you to pursue career paths in:
Qualification: A Level English Literature A Exam Board: AQA Coursework: 20% Exam: 80% Exam Structure: 1 x 3 hour exam, 1 x 2 hour 30 minute exam sat at the end of Year 13 Link to specification: AS and A-level English Literature A
Course Overview: Paper 1 – Love through the ages
Othello by W. Shakespeare
Unseen poetry
The Great Gatsby by F. S. Fitzgerald
Pre-1900 poetry anthology
Paper 2B – Texts in shared contexts: Modern times: literature from 1945 to the present day
The Handmaid’s Tale by M. Atwood
Unsee prose
A Streetcar Named Desire by T. Williams
Feminine Gospels by C. A. Duffy
NEA – Independent critical study: texts across time
Teachers of Economics
Miss S Lovett (Curriculum Leader)
Mrs E Crean
Reasons to Study Economics
Economics is a great subject for anyone with an interest in understanding the economic environment we all live in, particularly for those who would like to work on applying mathematical concepts, developing logical thought processes, and exploring decisions made by governments both at home in the UK and on a global level. It offers you a chance to develop a range of skills that are highly valued by universities and employers such as communicating your ideas coherently through written work and discussions.
Our Vision for Economics
Students at SJB study Economics to improve their commercial awareness, enhance their strategic thinking and develop a greater understanding of the global business environment and how to influence it.
Qualification: A Level Economics Exam Board: Edexcel Coursework: 0% Exam: 100% Exam Structure: 3 x 2 hours exam papers sat in the summer of Year 13 Link to specification: A levels Economics A (2015)Course Overview:
In Year 12 students will learn about:
How markets work, including an introduction to the economic problem of scarcity, opportunity cost, division of labour, free market/mixed/planned economic systems, supply, demand, price determination, the price mechanism, price elasticity of demand, income elasticity of demand, cross price elasticity of demand and elasticity of supply
Why markets fail, including public goods, externalities and information gaps
How and why governments intervene in markets, including price controls, taxation, subsidies, regulation and direct provision
How government failure can take place
Economic costs, revenue and profit
Measures of success of an economy including economic growth, inflation, unemployment, balance of payments, inequality, fiscal balance and environmental health
AD/AS analysis including Short-Run Aggregate Supply, Classical Long-Run Aggregate Supply and Keynesian Aggregate Supply
Policies to manage the economy including demand side (fiscal and monetary policy) and supply-side policies
National Income, including the circular flow of income and the multiplier
Conflicts between economic objectives and policies
Introduction to development economics
Public sector spending, taxation and public sector finances in a global context
In Year 13 students will learn about:
The theory of the firm: Perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, monopoly and monopsony
Alternative objectives of the firm
Contestability and efficiency
Business growth
Government intervention in monopoly markets, including price caps, regulators, competition policy and the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA)
Labour markets, including supply and demand for labour, wage determination in perfectly and imperfectly competitive markets and market failure in labour markets
Globalisation including pattern of trade, terms of trade, comparative advantage, trade blocs, the WTO, restrictions on free trade, balance of payments, exchange rates and international competitiveness
The role of financial markets, including their role, how they fail and the role of the Bank of England in maintaining financial stability
Drama & Theatre
Teachers of Drama & Theatre
Miss E Clarke
Mrs M Harper
Mrs K S Phillips (Curriculum Leader)
Reasons to Study Drama & Theatre
To develop interpersonal skills such as confidence, collaboration, the ability to compromise and presentations skills. To have the opportunity to have your voice heard through making innovative theatre. A-Level Theatre Studies is the ultimate opportunity to be creative.
Our Vision for Drama & Theatre
Students at SJB study Drama to provide them with the ultimate opportunity to be creative. Through collaborative group work, students are encouraged out of their comfort zone and through creating and performing they are empowered to assert themselves, empathise, build confidence and gain life-long social skills.
Qualification: A Level Exam Board: AQA Coursework/Practical Work: 60% Written Exam: 40% Exam Structure: 1 x 3hr exam papers sat in the summer of Year 13
Course Overview:
A Level Drama is a highly practical course that emphasises practical creativity alongside developing a deeper understanding of the theory of Drama. Students learn through experience, watching live theatre and creating theatre themselves. Students are introduced to a wide range of different drama genres and practitioners as they explore plays practically, and devise their own performances. Our students are very dedicated and are often rehearsing outside lessons.
As well as studying plays and practitioners, students will study the elements of theatre production (including performance and design) in order to learn how plays are brought to the stage. We have several theatre trips/workshops throughout the year, introducing the students to a range of different plays and styles.
Component 1: Written Exam 40% of A Level
Students are assessed on two set texts from a performance and design perspective. We study Hedda Gabler by Henrik Ibsen and Metamorphosis by Steven Berkoff. Students also write a Live Theatre Review analysing and evaluating a live theatre production.
Component 2: Practical with Coursework 30% of A Level
Students create a devised piece in the style of a chosen Drama practitioner. In recent years our students have chosen Frantic Assembly, The Paperbirds, John Godber and Brecht. A written Working Notebook accompanies the practical work. Internally assessed and moderated by the exam board.
Component 3: Practical with Coursework 30% of A Level
Students explore three extracts from three different scripts through teacher-led practical workshops and student-led research. Extract 3 is performed and assessed by a visiting examiner. Students also submit a Reflective Report documenting their exploration.
Computer Science
Teachers of Computer Science
Miss N Bailey
Mr D Dodwell-Bennett
Miss A Dwyer
Reasons to Study Computer Science
Being a computer scientist means you can problem solve, think logically and build coded solutions. This can lead to many exciting opportunities – cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, machine learning and identifying emerging trends – which could end up changing the world.
Our Vision for Computer Science
Students at SJB who study Computing will have their eyes opened to a digital world that is changing every day. They will learn how to think logically, problem solve and build programs for real world situations. They will also develop their innovative and creative skills using digital editing tools. Computing will give them the opportunity to enter new and exciting careers in data science, artificial intelligence, engineering, and beyond.
Students will study topics including data representation, communication and networks, computer systems, software development, and programming. They will also be able to appreciate the ethical issues that arise with current and emerging computing technologies.Qualification: A-Level Exam Board: AQA Coursework: 20% Programming project Exam: 40% Paper 1 Skeleton program Exam: 40% Paper 2 Computer science theory Exam Structure: Paper 1 is 2 hours 30 minutes which is programming tasks completed on a computer, based on the skeleton program, Paper 2 is 2 hours 30 minutes on the theory side of computing, both exam papers sat in the summer of Year 13
Fundamentals of computer organisation and architecture
Consequences of uses of computing
Fundamentals of communication and networking
Fundamentals of databases
Big Data
Fundamentals of functional programming
Systematic approach to problem solving
Non-exam assessment – the computing practical project
Business Studies
Teachers of Business Studies
Miss S Lovett (Curriculum Leader)
Mr D Hodges
Mr D Kelly
Miss M King
Reasons to Study Business
This is a great course if you want to start your own business, or work for another business as an employee. Most of our students go on to University or apprenticeships, and the style of study means that it suits more academic students who are confident in exams. You will learn transferable skills such as analysis using financial and strategic models, as well as commercial awareness and an ability to critically appraise the decisions and performance of a business.
Our Vision for Business Studies
Students at SJB study Business to improve their commercial awareness, enhance their strategic thinking and develop a greater understanding of the global business environment and how to influence it.
Career Paths
Students have a variety of options having studied this subject.
University courses in Management, Economics, Finance & Accounting, and Business Administration are all possible. Furthermore many students choose to combine Business Studies with another subject such as Marketing and Media or Maths and Economics to give a broader future career scope.
In terms of employment there are a multitude of career paths available as a result of studying Business Studies A Level such as: Accountancy, Personnel management, Hospitality management, Customer services, retail management and banking.
Qualification: A Level Business Exam Board: Edexcel Coursework: None Exam: 100% Exam Structure: 3 x 2 hour exam papers sat in the summer of Year 13 Link to specification: A levels Business (2015)Course Overview:
In Year 12 students will learn about:
Entrepreneurs, business aims and objectives and legal structure for ownership
Internal and external sources of finance
Sales, revenue, costs, quantitative sales forecasting, budgeting, break-even, interpreting financial statements, liquidity, ratio analysis and using quantitative information to assess the performance of a business
Production, productivity, and efficiency, including stock control, capacity utilisation, quality management and lean production
Internal and external methods of growth, advantages and disadvantages of growth to a business
Theories of corporate strategy including Ansoff’s Matrix and Porter’s matrix
External influences, PESTLE and SWOT analysis
Marketing and promotion including global niche and mass markets and global marketing strategy
Human resources, leadership, and motivation
Introduction to globalisation and businesses decisions to operate on an international scale
In Year 13 students will learn about:
Trade blocs, protectionism and global competitiveness
Ethics and the impact of MNCs, including reasons for global mergers and joint ventures and controlling MNCs
The market, including supply and demand, price elasticity of demand and income elasticity of demand
Investment appraisal techniques such as payback, ARR and Net Present Value
Decision making techniques, such as decision trees, and project planning tools such as Critical Path Analysis
Corporate influences, such as Corporate Culture and stakeholders versus shareholders
Causes and effects of change, such as scenario planning and business failure
Teachers of Science
Miss K Atherton
Mrs V Barclay
Miss S Clark;o>
Miss L Cook (Curriculum Leader)
Mrs C Jukes
Reasons to Study Biology
Biology is a fascinating subject, the study of which will see you learn about the natural world and all the living things within it. Gaining an A-level in this subject opens up a vast range of opportunities for both university degrees and career options, many of which can take you all around the world. Students choose Biology for a number of reasons — perhaps you have a specific career in mind that requires a Biology qualification or maybe you are simply interested in the human body, or in the natural world around us. Alongside in depth knowledge of the biological world, biologists also develop skills and understanding of scientific methods, data analysis, observation, correlations and causal relationships. Given the group work that occurs throughout the course, students also develop good teamwork and communication skills.
Our Vision for Biology
Students at SJB study science as it helps our understanding of the world around us. Everything we know about the universe, from how trees reproduce to what an atom is made up of, is the result of scientific research and experiment. Human progress throughout history has largely rested on advances in science. From our knowledge of gravity to cutting-edge medicines, students of Science have shaped our modern world. All of these advances can trace their origin back to individuals learning about science as students. That’s why it is in all our interests to promote Science as a subject at SJB; it ensures the next wave of progress in all of the fields that affect our daily lives.
Career Paths
Biology opens the doors to a huge range of degree courses and career paths including:
Qualification: GCE Biology Exam Board: OCR Coursework: 0% Exam: 100% Exam Structure: Biological Processes Paper – 2hr 15mins Biological Diversity Paper – 2hr 15mins Unified Paper – 1hr 30mins Link to specification: A Level Specification Biology A H420
Course Overview:
Module 1 – Development of practical skills in biology
1.1 Practical skills assessed in a written examination
1.2 Practical skills assessed in the practical endorsement
Module 2 – Foundations in biology
2.1.1 Cell structure
2.1.2 Biological molecules
2.1.3 Nucleotides and nucleic acids
2.1.4 Enzymes
2.1.5 Biological membranes
2.1.6 Cell division, cell diversity and cellular organisation
Module 3 – Exchange and transport
3.1.1 Exchange surfaces
3.1.2 Transport in animals
3.1.3 Transport in plants
Module 4 – Biodiversity, evolution and disease
4.1.1 Communicable diseases, disease prevention and the immune system
4.2.1 Biodiversity
4.2.2 Classification and evolution
Module 5 – Communication, homeostasis and energy
5.1.1 Communication and homeostasis
5.1.2 Excretion as an example of homeostatic control
5.1.3 Neuronal communication
5.1.4 Hormonal communication
5.1.5 Plant and animal responses
5.2.1 Photosynthesis
5.2.2 Respiration
Module 6 – Genetics, evolution and ecosystems
6.1.1 Cellular control
6.1.2 Patterns of inheritance
6.1.3 Manipulating genomes
6.2.1 Cloning and biotechnology
6.3.1 Ecosystems
6.3.2 Populations and sustainability.
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